Browsing by Advisor Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander

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Análisis e implementación de planes de acción para el mejoramiento del clima laboral en Gusnobal Cía. Ltda.
Zárate Recalde, María José (Jan-2013) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
El tema que se ha desarrollado se denomina “Análisis e Implementación de planes de acción para el mejoramiento del clima laboral en Gusnobal Cía. Ltda.”, el proyecto se ha dividido de la siguiente manera. Se comenzó por el análisis de Gusnobal Cía. Ltda. la cual es una organización creada en el...
Análisis y diagnóstico del clima laboral del área administrativa y diseño de un plan de mejora para la empresa New lead.
Ortiz Mozo, Nathaly Gissela (Jan-2017) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
This systematization it is based on describing the experiences gained during the project, it allowed to make an analysis and diagnosis about the work environment in the Administrative Department of the Firm New lead and it also allowed to create an improvement plan. The project began with...
Aplicación de una herramienta de evaluación de competencias laborales a todas las jefaturas de la planta de producción del grupo KFC en la ciudad de Quito
Tapia Hurtado, Christian Daniel (Aug-2016) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
With the authorization of the authorities of the company, we implement a system of Job-Skills in the production plant´s of Grupo KFC Quito, this was realized since june to november 2015; wich the principal goal to identify Josb-Skills development opportunities. According to the...
Diagnóstico de clima laboral y propuesta de plan de acción, en el área administrativa del grupo MB (Mayflower – Buffalos), a realizarse en el período septiembre 2016 –noviembre 2016
Catota Guaman, Katherine Liliana (Feb-2017) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
The current work climate is fundamental in the organizations development because it can be managed through: improvement, skills, knowledge, satisfaction and motivation of each of the collaborators. This project was specifically carried out in the administrative area, which one contained...
Diagnóstico del clima laboral de la empresa pública metropolitana de transporte de pasajeros de Quito
Luna Cadena, Omar Fabricio (Sep-2013) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
Organizations have a hierarchic structure that limits ways and order of communication and interaction occurring within them, which constitutes cultures or what is called corporative identity. Motivation systems are elements that influence in construction of an organizational culture and therefore...
Diagnóstico del clima laboral del área administrativa y propuesta de un plan de mejoramiento de la compañía Provemadera S.A.
Ríos Nole, Cristian Rodrigo (Jan-2017) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
When analyzing systematization, based on the application of experiences and lessons acquired, an exhaustive analysis was conducted to know what the needs of PROVEMADERA S.A. could be which stated that work was needed on the measuring process of the labor atmosphere in the administrative. In...
Diagnóstico del desempeño laboral y capacitación para mejorar el desempeño mediante el sistema de evaluación 360 grados, en la Dirección Distrital de Educación 17D01, parroquias rurales Nanegal a Nanegalito, de octubre 2015 a marzo de 2016.
Barahona Grijalva, Valeria Cristina (May-2016) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
Nowadays inside of organizations the study of people’s behavior has a fundamental role within every company; people have become the most important asset of study because they help to achieve the organizational objectives. The organizations not only manage administrative processes, but also...
Diagnóstico e implementación de un plan de mejora del clima laboral para incrementar la satisfacción de los colaboradores del área de atención ciudadana de una institución pública, de octubre 2015 a marzo de 2016.
Lema Moyón, Viviana Elizabeth (Jul-2016) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
The present objective is to diagnose the work environmet of the workers the area of citizen in the public institution from october 2015 to march 2016, was very necessary know the different factors in the job performance of the workers according to the perception of each person of the manner...
Diagnóstico y evaluación de los factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan el desempeño laboral del personal con discapacidad de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Quito
Badillo Illanes, Andrea Fernanda; Morales Parco, Sandy Sulay; Reyes Posligua, Carolina Maribel (Jul-2014) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
Workers with disabilities like any other worker have to face psychosocial factors in the workplace. The imbalance between job demands and resources have placed workers in a position of risk and reduces their quality of life at work developing harmful conditions and inadequate working on developing...
Diseño de un plan de formación para los actores del proceso de evaluación del desempeño en el Servicio de Rentas Internas
Posso Guerrero, Isabel Margarita (Jul-2012) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
En el presente producto se elabora un Plan de Formación para los participantes del Proceso de Evaluación del Desempeño que debe ser aplicado en el Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI), para poder involucrar a todo el personal en el mismo y de esta manera poder encaminar objetivos hacia la estrategia...
Diseño del plan de desarrollo de competencias determinado a partir de la evaluación del desempeño aplicado a los colaboradores del área comercial de la región sierra de Industrias Ales C.A.
Soria Erazo, Sandro Marco; Urquizo Tapia, Roberto David (May-2015) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
A proposed design Development Plan Competitions determined from the performance evaluation applied to reviewers Commercial Area Sierra Region Industrias Ales CA it focuses on activity or action plans for staff is located in different quadrants established for this purpose, also considering the...
Diseño del sistema de remuneración variable para la empresa Coheco
Constante Gaibor, Karla Paola; Morales Singo, Gabriela Elizabeth (Nov-2014) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
COHECO is defined as a service company dedicated to the installation and maintenance of vertical transport of Mitsubishi Electric. The rapid market growth and development of competing firms hanim down to COHECO to design tools to develop loyalty and commitment to employees. This project involves...
Diseño e implementación de un modelo de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad intercultural leve y moderada en grupo KFC
Benavides Celleri, Felipe Roberto; Hidalgo Almeida, Paúl Erick (Mar-2015) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
People with disabilities have similar rights to others, this includes decent and fair treatment, and also the right to live independently and take part in our society. All of these lead to the general law of inclusion in all areas. The right to employment inclusion allows people with disabilities...
Diseño y planificación de la implementación de un manual de valoración de cargos para las empresas Samper Head Hunting y Kmeyo
Burbano Terneus, María Fernanda (May-2015) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
This work whose theme is "Design and implementation planning of the valuation manual of positions for the Companies SamperHH and Kmeyo” focuses on structuring the methodological basis of information collecting and position’s analysis to develop subsystems of compensations, career plans, etc....
Elaboración y aplicación de un modelo de desarrollo de cultura del servicio para la empresa procesadora nacional de alimentos - PRONACA.
Córdova Cano, Arturo Enrique (Jul-2012) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
One of the paradigms that usually seeks to understand when it comes to service cl is the reductionist view that is to think that the success of a good customer service is limited and from there is to propose alternatives that improve corporate culture focused customer.
Establecimiento de acuerdo de servicios aplicado al proceso de selección de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Guayaquil, de octubre 2015 a marzo 2016
Olmedo Zambrano, Dennisse Gabriela (Jun-2016) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
The project “Established agreements of the service applied to the process of selection of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Guayaquil Headquarters” Is sustained in the systematization on the process of selection that is currently effective in the university, as a result it was determined...
Guía práctica de comunicación interna para el mejoramiento del clima laboral en la empresa Marsed S.A.
Secaira Monard, Bernarda María (Oct-2012) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
El manejo de una correcta comunicación interna es esencial para el crecimiento y desarrollo satisfactorio de un clima laboral. Es decir que la comunicación es una herramienta administrativa que permite a los líderes de una organización conocer, manejar, influenciar y motivar a sus trabajadores....
Implementación de un modelo de reclutamiento y selección de talento humano por competencias, para niveles operativos y ejecutivos de venta de la Compañía Sistemas de Computación Systemboard S.A.
Donoso Padilla, Alexandra Estefanía (Feb-2017) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
An excellent process inside an organization, leads to a big progress in a future. During the project, in the Systemboard Systems Company, a diagnosis was made, where it was possible to detect the necessities and demands that the company has. According to the diagnosis, the Human Resources...
Implementación de un programa de clima laboral y diseño de un plan de mejoras en la empresa Garcos S.A., en el periodo enero 2016 - mayo 2016
Loza Betancourt, Luis Eduardo (Feb-2017) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
The present document shows the systematization of a project for the design and implementation of a working environment evaluation in GARCOS SA, organization with offices in Quito and Guayaquil, carried out between January and May 2016. The evaluation constitutes a base line for the proposal...
Implementación del proceso de selección de personal basado en el modelo por competencias en la Empresa Sesevin S.A., de la ciudad de Quito
Ruano Guerra, Cecilia Alexandra (Jun-2013) - [Director: Navarrete Guerra, Javier Alexander]
It is important to note that the research process was conducted with employees of the organization to identify weaknesses and strengthen the skills and abilities of the employees involved, the same significantly strengthened since they lack the Human Resource department, rose the information framed...