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Proyecto de inversión en la finca Dos Lucias, para el desarrollo ecoturístico en la parroquia Manuel Cornejo Astorga (Tandapi)
Fajardo Gavidia, Diana Soraya (oct-2008) - [Director: Carrillo Navarrete, José Ricardo]
Project to be Held in The farm is aimed at creating an Ecological lodge which bore the name of "Santa Lucia",, your property will be serviced: Lodging, Dining, Walking and hiking trails of the farm. sport fishing in rivers, boating, rafting, kayating, Kids games, horseback riding to enjoy the...
Proyecto de producción y comercialización de cuyes en la Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Cantón Santo Domingo.
Baños Murillo, Fernando Javier (feb-2010) - [Director: Lucero Palacios, Giovanny Mauricio]
This document aims to be a tool that allows members of rural communities know the basic guidelines to carry out a guinea pig breeding technique, leverage the resources of the area, improve nutrition and generate additional income for the family budget.
Proyecto microempresarial de autogestión para la elaboración y comercialización de productos alternativos derivados de cereales en el Barrio Santo Tomás de Turubamba, Cantón Quito, Provincia de Pichincha
García Chuga, Edwin Rolando; Villacís Moreta, María Fernanda (oct-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This project to be undertaken, refers to the creation of a microenterprise for the development and marketing of alternative cereal products, in order to promote community participation in order to encourage the economic development of the sector in this way improve the quality of life of Santo...
Proyecto para estructurar un centro de desarrollo infantil en el barrio La Ecuatoriana
Maldonado Albán, Jacqueline Elizabeth; Quishpe Pérez, Carla Maritza (jun-2005) - [Director: Román, Cristian]
The fundamental purpose is to structure, organize and implement an Integrated Child Development Center, in the neighborhood of the Ecuadorian, south of Quito, the same that seeks to respond to the needs of education today and fill the gaps evident in curricula currently used where it gets much...
Proyecto para la confección y comercialización de chaquetas de cuero para mujer, bajo la modalidad de closet, en el Cantón Quito, en la Provincia de Pichincha.
Heredia Chicaiza, Edith Fernanda (mar-2013) - [Director: López Barrionuevo, Rómulo Alberto]
The feasibility study is an investigation into the framework of factors affecting the project as well as the legal aspects affecting it. Likewise, should investigate the different techniques (if any) to produce the good or service under study and the possibilities of adapting to the culture of the...
Proyecto para la creación e instalación de una microempresa manufacturera textil especializada en la línea de hogar, en la Parroquia de Conocoto, Cantón Quito, Provincia de Pichincha
López Utreras, Andrea Paola (abr-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This work has as main objective to analyze the textile sector has been considered a strategic sector within the imdustria of Ecuador also generated several places direct employment in the country, becoming the second manofacturero sector employs more labor , after the food, beverages and tobacco...
Proyecto para la expansión de la cobertura del Banco del Austro agencia Quicentro Sur.
Gamboa Cárdenas, Christian Armando; Tenelanda Tixi, Diana Paola (feb-2013) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
Despite this financial institution shows a trajectory of 35 years in the market positioning is weak compared to other financial institutions, this due to its low rating risk, not to encourage the improvement of systems and technology to support processes management, not providing quality services...
Proyecto para la Expansión para el Laboratorio Clínico Bacteriológico “PACAVA” en el Sector de Santa Rita al Sur del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito y Conocoto en el Valle de los Chillos
Badillo Lemos, Paola Lucía (dic-2011) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
PACAVA Clinical Laboratory, located in the Metropolitan District of Quito in South Sector Solanda ventures in business to provide services in Clinical Laboratory Analysis 2000 Services provided by the owners to meet today's needs of its customers with a wide and well-defined portfolio of services,...
Proyecto para la implementación de un centro de formación profecional de futbol en el sector sur de Quito
Guerrero Cangui, Juan Carlos; Pérez Balseca, Jessica Marisela (dic-2011) - [Director: Collaguazo Suquillo, Nicolás]
Implementing a Vocational Training Centre football, will be essential for children and young people have a real alternative to both physical and mental development, besides forming in values and disciplines, are elements that will significantly reduce alcoholism, Substance abuse and crime in...
Proyecto para la investigación del comportamiento y expectativas de los jóvenes del sur de Quito y la formación de líderes juveniles en el sector
Chicaiza Galarza, Sonia Verónica; Montenegro León, Adriana Alexandra (ene-2011) - [Director: Chicaiza Villalba, Raquel Jacqueline]
Throughout this paper some of the approaches used to approach this social sector was cited; but finding them can find them in the media, who act as echo to the visions and common places of spectacle and pornografización revistiéndoles of their actions, thus achieving a negative affirmation of...
Proyecto para la prestación de servicios de limpieza en hogares del sector norte de la ciudad de Quito.
Arévalo Barbosa, Liz Diana; Casa Yépez, José Gregorio (nov-2011) - [Director: Lucero, Giovanny]
El proyecto se enfocará a los Hogares del Sector Norte de la Cuidad de Quito específicamente de la Parroquia Iñaquito, que tengan niveles de ingresos medios y altos, cuyo motivo de compra sea la falta de tiempo para realizar la limpieza y que estos hogares pertenezcan a los estratos social...
Proyecto para la producción y comercialización de abono orgánico con inclusión de mano de obra de madres de familia del barrio "11 de Mayo" de San José de Turubamba.
Tirado Bermeo, Liliana Natalí; Tufiño Caza, Andrea Alegría (sep-2011) - [Director: Chicaiza Villalba, Raquel Jacqueline]
This project was developed based on the economic situation facing the country and the world, so is the need to create new alternatives through the creation of their own development to generate business. Project Production and Marketing of Organic Fertilizer has its social foundation due to the...
"Proyecto para la producción y comercialización de panela molida procedente de la Provincia de Cotopaxi, Cantón Sigchos, Parroquia las Pampas hacia la ciudad de Quito.
Corrales, Víctor Xavier; Molina Muñoz, Henry Washington (may-2012) - [Director: Collaguazo Suquillo, Nicolás]
To create this project you mentioned and takes into account all aspects, first a situational analysis, where a deep analysis of both macro and micro environment, second market research is performed, in which highlights the segment to which the product will be addressed and the formulation of a...
Proyecto para la producción y comercialización de productos audiovisuales en la ciudad de Quito.
Capilla Salazar, Jorge Jeremmy (jul-2013) - [Director: Chicaiza Villalba, Raquel Jacqueline]
This thesis is to develop a market entry plan for audiovisual creation in the city of Quito. The main objective is to introduce the company called Visual Studio TV market with relevant information from the companies positioned in the market in general and specifically of the companies located in...
Proyecto para la producción y comercialización de productos lacteaos en Alluriquín
Balseca Escudero, Irma Janneth; Pérez Amores, Andrea Catalina (jun-2008) - [Director: Jurado Velasco, Luis Alfonso]
The project objective is to build an operational plan for the production and marketing of dairy products focused to the Ecuadorian market.
Proyecto para la producción y exportación de brócoli orgánico
Cataña Villalba, Jhonatan Rodrigo; Puchaicela Narváez, Giovanny Gonzalo (may-2008) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
This project proposes to resume the leading role that agriculture must have on the economies of nations for both food security and to stimulate national production. Particularly the broccoli has competitive advantages in terms of crop cycles given the natural conditions of our country...
Proyecto para optimización de tiempos, costos y productividad de la pymes Mitra ubicada en el sector norte del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Camacho Díaz, Luis Alberto; Valarezo Armas, David Rigoberto (may-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
The study for the optimization of time, cost and productivity of the PYMES Mitra Arte en Fruta, which produces fruit arrangements with chocolate and fruit salad. The project presented below is based on the study of a small production plant. In which aims to initially diagnose the production process...
Proyecto social de educación artística para los niños de la escuela Nicolás Guillén del barrio Lucha de los pobres sector alto
Andrade Crespo, Gina (jun-2008) - [Director: Carrillo Navarrete, José Ricardo]
This project aims to provide assistance to disadvantaged school children Nicolás Guillén located in the Struggle of the Poor industry Alto neighborhood they face large social and economic tensions that may develop their potential in specific cultural and artistic eligible to undertake his artistic...
Reestructuración del proceso de compras en la unidad de abastecimiento petroindustrial Quito, filial de Petroecuador
Melena Heredia, Adriana Graciela (nov-2006) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This study has been performed in order to analyze the times involved different existing activities within a purchasing process that takes place in Supply Unit Petroindustrial Quito, for the respective procurement of materials, supplies, parts and accessories, spare parts and equipment for users of...
Reestructuración del sistema operativo en la empresa Servilux
Cifuentes Chávez, Angela Rita (sep-2006) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
Design and propose a restructuring of the operating system in the enterprise that enables and facilitates SERVILUX achieve satisfactory results in a short and medium-term increase in production and customer loyalty to the company.