Browsing by Advisor Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando
Showing results 1 to 20 of 29
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Análisis de la situación microempresarial en la ciudad de Quito durante el período 2001-2004 como fundamento para el rediseño orgánico funcional de la microempresa Disfraces tradición dedicada a prestar servicios de alquiler y venta de disfraces
Arévalo Bonilla, Verónica Patricia (Jun-2007) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Contribute to the growth of microenterprises by the structure of a strategic plan to improve the current conditions through the respective redesign microenterprise "Costumes Tradition" and dedicated to rental and sale of costumes.
Análisis de las características de las microempresas formales del sector comercial en el Cantón Cayambe
Sandoval Velásquez, Marco Antonio (Feb-2014) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
One of MSMEs breveanálisis concept was conducted to have a clear definition of what is micro and thus determine how it works, what features it has and how it unfolds in the market. Also referred to: the methodological framework of the research, the design, use and application of measuring...
Aplicación de modelo de gestión por procesos orientado a la mejora académica y administrativa en la Unidad Educativa “Cristo del Consuelo”
Flores Soria, Andrea Paola; Paredes Corredores, Maria José (Dec-2011) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This work took place in the Cristo del Consuelo Education Unit located in the neighborhood Firsts Culture of Quito, in the citadel Ibarra Chillogallo Parish, Canton Quito, Pichincha province, the theme was set against the needs that had the instituion, the proposal is to implement a management...
Creación de una empresa comercializadora de acabados de construcción con servicio de asesoría en diseño de interiores en el sur de la ciudad de Quito.
Campaña Ojeda, Carlos Alberto (Oct-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Raises and defines all functions of all positions and define strategic planning where objectives were aligned with the philosophical part of the project (mission and vision), everything will be achieved with the present strategies and action plan.
Desarrollo de productos resultantes de la regeneración del aceite lubricante quemado para la comercialización y distribución en la ciudad de Quito, sector Sur
Carrión Sánchez, María José (Dec-2011) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
La microempresa tiene como propósito producir y comercializar aceite lubricante regenerado para brindarle a sus clientes no solo calidad en el producto, sino también una alternativa de solución ambiental con un elemento poco tratado y que por cierto genera alternativa de solución ambiental con un...
Diseño de un modelo de gestión por procesos para la comercialización de electrodomésticos de la empresa Proimport Cía. Ltda. en el norte de la ciudad de Quito
Ortiz Novillo, Rosa Elizabeth (Oct-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Pursuant to obtain the degree in Engineering in Management and Leadership, has made this thesis entitled: Designing a process management model for marketing Electronics Co. PROMPORT company. Ltda, in northern Quito.
Diseño de un plan de expansión de mercado para la compañía Gallegos Valarezo & Neira Cía. Ltda ubicada en la sector Iñaquito al norte de Quito.
Tapia Paredes, Catalina Gabriela (Dec-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This research is based on a plan to expand the market for Gallegos & Valarezo Neira Company with the support of existing theories that support the practice within the company. At present and despite the time that 5 has in the market is not recognized as one of the largest national companies, this...
Diseño de un programa de mejoramiento de la productividad de las industrias alimenticias de la Provincia de Pichincha, basado en gestión de recursos
Cabrera Navarrete, Diana Elizabeth (Jul-2006) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
The basic problem for the realization of this research arises when viewing the current status of the food industries of the city of Quito and especially of its human resources, it is more and more discouraged and then to outdated knowledge to produce quality, reflected in both the product and your...
Diseño y operativizacion de un sistema de comercialización de Avgas para Repsol YPF en el Ecuador
Chamba Arboleda, Gabriela Del Rocio; Carrillo Carrión, Johnnathan Fabricio (Oct-2008) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This project aims to establish a marketing system AVGAS covering fuel distribution nationwide, starting with the expansion of offerings and their potential suppliers to realize in this way the best option and to import, the same as prior to delivery to customers will be used for storage and quality...
Estructuración de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional para el campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Pérez Vargas, Ana Belén; Quiroz Díaz, Myriam Patricia (1-Mar-2012) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Identify occupational risk factors to which is exposed personnel South Salesian University Campus.
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa especializada en el servicio de catering y el desarrollo de eventos sociales en la ciudad de Quito
Pérez Lara, Edison Roberto (Sep-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
The service "Quito Catering". Search enter the market of services, so that through this work the feasibility for Creating a Specialized Catering Service Development focused Social Events in the City of Quito Company will be studied.
Estudio de factibilidad para la exportación comercialización de hierbas aromáticas medicinales en la empresa vitalhierba
Andrade Pintado, David Abelardo (Jan-2006) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
The paper summarizes a research process designed to determine the commercial feasibility VITALHIERBA hold abroad. Being vast market potential, has been considered to establish a launching operations in the United States, since studies show that this shopping area offers the best guarantees for...
Expansión para la empresa Movitel
Maggi Gavidia, Carlos Alberto; Pérez Guato, Diego Antonio (Mar-2009) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
MOVITEL one supported by the branch of telecommunications business decides to enter the market with a mix of services related to the sector such as the commercialization of wireless handsets, accessories, parts and service, plus additional services such as telephone booths and internet so begins...
Modelo de autogestión para la producción y comercialización de la mora en la comunidad de Sarahuasi de la Parroquia Chugchilán en el Cantón Sigchos en la Provincia de Cotopaxi
Flores Pazmiño, Carlos Alberto; Ureña Castañeda, Diego Lenin (Jan-2014) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
It aims to document step by step process for developing a self-management model that allows the community to advise "Sarahuasi" located in the parish "Chugchilán" in Canton "Sigchos" in the province of "Cotopaxi" economic policy organization in the production and marketing of its flagship product...
Modelo de gestión por procesos en la microempresa "Productos El Selecto"
Arias Moscoso, Verónica Elizabeth (Nov-2007) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
This research was conducted in order to improve administrative processes and production craft workshop The Select Products. It will implement the necessary changes to improve production, minimize costs, have a database with updated information for the proper management of inventories: Raw...
"Plan estratégico para la microempresa "Confecciones Diana" productora de ropa femenina, ubicada en el sector de Chillogallo al sur de Quito".
Ocaña Masabanda, Diana Lizeth (Oct-2010) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Our country has been occurring over time not very favorable economic conditions, which has influenced the proliferation of underemployment, where citizens generate employment by his own powers to excel, so qie the number of micro present in our country is growing and is steadily growing. The aim of...
Plan para el desarrollo de una empresa consultora de investigación de mercados y capacitación
Morillo Obando, Erika Magaly; Rodríguez Erazo, María Cristina (Apr-2005) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Nuestro proyecto se vincula básicamente a la creación de un modelo que permitirá un mejoramiento en las actividades que se desempeña dentro de una microempresa, elevando el nivel de productividad y permitiendo consecuentemente a esto crear mas plazas de trabajo, reducir la emigración de mano de...
Propuesta estratégica para la ampliación del bar-restaurante Virgen del Cisne, ubicado en el Coca, provincia de Orellana
Fernández Camacho, Verónica Elizabeth (Sep-2009) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
In our country in recent years, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) generate a lot of jobs, so this sector is an important engine driving the growth and development of Ecuador. The central issue to be addressed in the present work is the development of a strategic proposal for the extension of...
Proyecto de creación de una hostería para desarrollar ecoturismo sostenible en la comunidad de Saguangal, parroquia Pacto cantón Quito
Yunga Matute, Carolina Marcela (Oct-2011) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Ecuador is a country with great natural resources and still preserving ecosystems in their natural state, so that our country is visited by foreign tourists, because in developed countries have not had the opportunity to observe animals, birds, flowers, plants wild in its purest and especially...
Proyecto de expansión para una microempresa industrial manufacturera
Nieto Cruz, María Fernanda (Aug-2005) - [Director: Beltrán Romero, Germán Fernando]
Within our Ecuadorian highlands industrial manufacturing microenterprise "The Advanced" dedicated to the production, distribution and marketing of ice cream unfolds, which transforms raw materials and inputs in the region own a product with exquisite taste and especially considered within the...