Browsing by Advisor Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
"Desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa con niños de 3 a 4 años.". :Estudio de caso en las aulas de maternal del jardín de la Fantasía
Oña Parerdes, Andrea Lucía (Oct-2014) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This thesis develops about gross motor, so it has some particularly topics like
meaning, benefits, importance and some to stimulate.
So it’s going to determinate the characteristics children between three and four years.
It’s going to compare some parts like cognitive, language, socio- affective...
Estrategias didácticas de iniciación a lecto escritura en niños y niñas de educación inicial II.
Cadena Salas, Johanna Belén (Sep-2017) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
The present work tries to give solution to the requirements of the Department of Education in the Area of Comprehension and expression of the language that corresponds to the Initial level II, where it is necessary to develop the capacity of expression and the oral communication of wide form. For...
Guía de estrategias metodológicas para el desarrollo de habilidades en el área motriz fina con el uso de materiales del medio y reciclados para el trabajo con niños y niñas de 4 a 5 años.
Bermeo Herrera, Paola Alexandra (Jan-2015) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of fine motor skills in early childhood education, improving grafoplásticas different techniques and creating a product with which children can develop knowledge or practice, taking into account that at the initial level the environment,...
Guía didáctica lúdica para trabajar en el entorno natural con niños niñas de 3-5 años
Suárez Salazar, Alejandra Rita; Sevillano Guamingo, Aysha Inés (Apr-2015) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
Understanding child development is central to the teaching work, as can be understood that each child develops differently, whether intellectual, physical, social and emotional. It is important to address at the beginning of this research work because you need to have a clear vision to meet the boy...
Guía metodológica docente para trabajar los ejes transversales en los bloques curriculares de primer año de educación básica
Jácome Ruiz, Mercedes de Jesús; Moreno Paillacho, Daniela Gissela (May-2015) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
Throughout of the professional experience it has been possible to demonstrate what little importance it´s been given to the crosscut axes of the curriculum in the teaching and learning process. The curriculum of the first year of basic education, raises the crosscut axes that responds to different...
Guía metodológica para un desarrollo y formación integral del niño de 8 - 9 años a través de la danza
Torres Mejía, Verónica Paulina (Nov-2013) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This paper begins with a need as a dancer, teacher and human being, from the practices of teaching and working with children during my career as an artist, I have noted how education has not complied with the profile of the curriculum of 1996 Aesthetics speaking area where the development of...
Prácticas de enseñanza de iniciación a la lecto-escritura en Educación Inicial II en la escuela de educación básica El Buen Saber
Quiroga Quisaguano Talía Monserrath (Dec-2015) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This case study looks at how they are carrying out teaching practices, considering the lack of studies and analyzes in this educational field which has kept off a real vision of teaching practice about pre reading and pre prewriting at the initial level. In the research we observed and analyzed the...
Prácticas de enseñanza de iniciación a la lecto-escritura en educación inicial ii en la Unidad Educativa La Salle Conocoto
Ponce Rojas, Cintya Anabel (Dec-2015) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This case study will give us a focus on how they are performing the practices of teaching beginning reading and writing in preschool education, considering that until now have not conducted research testify as this is done.
For this it will be observed and analyzed the methodological process of...
Prácticas de enseñanza de iniciación a la lecto-escritura en el nivel inicial II de una institución educativa ubicada en el Centro de Quito
Gallardo Ramírez, Doménica Michelle (Apr-2016) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
The following case study shows the interest to know how they develop the
"Practice teaching of beginning reading and writing at the initial level II of an
educational institution located in the City Centre of Quito", data collected by the
observation which was recorded through a field diary ,...
Prácticas de enseñanza de iniciación a la lectoescritura en el nivel inicial II en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Mis Primeras Huellas
Nieto Larrea, Karen Alejandra (Mar-2016) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This work titration was performed with the purpose of analyzing teaching practices in
the introduction to literacy in Early Childhood Education II at the Child Development
Center My First Footprints. The area Language is very important as it is accessed in
school curricula, is present...
Prácticas de enseñanza de lecto-escritura en el Primer año de educación General Básica de una Unidad Educativa ubicada en la PIO XII en la ciudad de Quito.
Paida Cañar, Angiee Milena (Apr-2016) - [Director: Espinoza Robayo, Rocío Elizabeth]
This titulation work will coordinate the pedagogical practices in First School Level in
an Elementary school located in the South of Quito.
The analysis of these problems were done by a study on the case, which allowed us to
see the teaching practice and the management inside the classroom...