Browsing by Advisor Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús

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Showing results 21 to 35 of 35 < previous 
Innovación del proceso de interaprendizaje por competencias a traves de un programa televisivo con contenidos agropecuarios
Toledo Calle, Segundo Víctor (Jan-2015) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
Topic: innovation of the learning process by competences through a Tv. program with agricultural contents (see summary on page no. 162, Salesian polytechnic University, Quito, 2014) The present work comes from an experience that showed the usefulness of a serie of programs with agricultural...
La familia como apoyo a la inclusión educativa de estudiantes con discapacidad en la universidad :Caso: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
Castillo Ordóñez, Tatiana Estefanía (Jan-2017) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The present investigation project was made at the Politécnica Salesiana University of Quito, with the objective of identify the support families give to students with disabilities, for which a representative sampling of families was selected who gave information through a participative...
La inclusión educativa en la Unidad Educativa Santa María D. Mazzarello - Quito.
Hidalgo Leaños, Erika Lizeth; Toro Vela, Karina Lorena (Sep-2014) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
Actualmentelos Ecuadorian educational institutions begin to develop awareness of the heterogeneity in the classroom, manifestadaen differences in interests, abilities , socioeconomic , cultural , physical condition , etc. , andthe right that those differences are not considered cause for...
La Inclusión Educativa en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana: estudio de caso de un estudiante con discapacidad intelectual periodos académicos 49-50
García Chérrez, Jessica Belén (Aug-2018) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The present study is conceived as a descriptive research, with a field design, broad documentary support and under a qualitative approach, focused on a case study where the analysis of the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in the Salesian Polytechnic University is considered,...
La inclusión educativa en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana: estudio de caso de un estudiante con sordoceguera
Manzano Moreira, Katherine Michelle (Oct-2017) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The present case study work consists of describing the research problem, knowing how inclusive education is performed at the University, which methodologies and strategies use in the inclusive education group. What regulations exist regarding the education of people with disabilities, according...
La inclusión educativa en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana:estudio de caso de un estudiante con enfermedad catastrófica
Terán Arias, Sara Nohemi (Oct-2017) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The educational inclusion in the Salesiana Polytechnic University (the inclusion case study of one student with catastrophic illness) The case analysis is a qualitative research tool, it studies situations that raise a problem, which must be understood, valued and solved by the person who makes...
La inclusión educativa en la Universidad Politécnica Salesianaestudio de caso de un estudiante con discapacidad intelectual
Noble Guerrero, Jéssica Elizabeth (Oct-2017) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
This elaboration presents the progress of inclusive education for students with intellectual disabilities at the Salesian Polytechnic University, through the case study of a young woman with the disability. In this research the qualitative methodology was used, which through the mapping, the...
Los procesos formativos en el asociacionismo :Unidad Educativa Santo Tomás Apóstol de Riobamba UESTAR
Naranjo Falconí, Clara Leonor (Mar-2015) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
This work has been performed in order to analyze the learning processes that occur in the associations in the UESTAR. For analysis has considered the stages, content, methodology, strategies, activities and resources that develop those linked to oratorio, missionary, scout and dance groups. Within...
Programa para el desarrollo de la lectoescritura dirigido a niños y niñas de 9 a 11 años con Síndrome de Down aplicando los principios de la adquisición de la conciencia fonológica.
Brito Rojas, Miriam Ximena (Feb-2016) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The elaboration of this academic work, basically is to show the principal objective to develop the Literacy for girls and boys with Down’s Syndrome, applying to the Beginning Acquisition of the Phonological Conscience, strategies in the development of reader through goals fullfiment, proposes...
Propuesta de acompañamiento espiritual a adolescentes de primero de bachillerato de la UESTAR, mediante el análisis de los factores constructivos de sus identidades
Romero Paguay, Nancy Germania (Mar-2012) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
This research attempts to answer at one of the major problems experienced by the adolescents: the lack of listening, they aren´t accompanied in their integral and harmonic growth process. They need to be welcomed, valued, from his own experiences, because in them, they build and shape their...
Propuesta de mejoramiento de la tecnología asistida como recurso didáctico en la educación de estudiantes con discapacidad en el Instituto Fiscal de Discapacidad Motriz “INSFIDIM” durante el año lectivo 2015-2016
Villegas López, Sara Verónica (Nov-2016) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The systematization of the project "Assistive technology as a teaching resource in the education of children with motor disabilities was held at the Institute on Disability Attorney Motive" Insfidim "during the 2015-2016 school year. The project was developed with the aim to optimize student...
Proyecto de apoyo a los docentes de la Unidad Educativa Madre de la divina gracia en el desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje basadas en la teoría del neuroaprendizaje
Peralta Ortega, Jorge Andrés (Aug-2017) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The Project of Support to the Teachers of the "Unidad Educativa Madre de la Divina Gracia" in the Development of Learning Activities based on the theory of the Neurolearning proposed a work of psychological intervention through the attention in the Department of Student Counseling of the...
Sistematización de la Experiencia de la Tiflobiblioteca como Servicio de Apoyo a Estudiantes con Discapacidad en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Campus El Girón
Maldonado Sánchez, Cristina Andrea (May-2016) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The following draft titration was performed in Tiflobiblioteca Polytechnic Salesian University-Campus Girón, which promotes inclusive education in higher education institutions. The main objective of the project is the development of library resources in accessible formats for students with...
Sistematización del proyecto fortalecimiento de las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes con Síndrome de Down de Inicial III de la Fundación El Triángulo ubicado en el sector de Ponceano Bajo Quito – Ecuador en el período de marzo – julio 2017
Zambrano Rivadeneira, Alicia del Pilar (Feb-2018) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
The present work constitutes the systematization of the intervention program "Strengthening the social skills of students with Down Syndrome of Initiation III of the Triangulo Foundation". The program arises on the basis of the diagnosis of needs made to the group where the poor development of...
Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple. Estudio de caso por paralisis cerebral espastica
Guano Salazar, Gabriela Alexandra (Jul-2021) - [Director: Gallegos Navas, Miriam Mariana de Jesús]
This research focused on a case analysis of the educational situation of a child with spastic cerebral palsy, which allowed visualizing the student's profile from the social model of disability, educational support and person-centered planning, through the model of functional...