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Sentimientos y emociones en la mujer indígena escolarizada :Estudio psico*afectivo en al mujer indígena entre las edades de 15 a 20 años del Colegio Indígena Intercultural Bilingüe Jatari Unancha
Gavilánes, Dolores (2001) - [Director: Farfán Pacheco, Marcelo Alfonso]
Introduction. Presence of women in the historical process of the indigenous people. Realiad indigenous people in Ecuador. Presence of indigenous women in the Andean society. Definition of feelings and emotions. Nature of feelings and emotions. Classification models feelings and emotions. Affection,...
Sistematización de los saberes sobre la gastronomía achuar para complementar y enriquecer los contenidos del área de Ciencias Sociales
Shimpiu Chuim, Kintiui Silverio (may-2018) - [Director: Álvarez Palomeque, Alba Catalina]
In the present work of systematization of the knowledge about the Achuar gastronomy to complement and enrich the contents of the social sciences area, I have asked the grandparents of the community, to know what change there is from the old life to the current life, on the feeds of culture, in such...
Sistematización de los saberes sobre los animales pronosticadores de la cultura achuar para complementar y enriquecer los contenidos del área de ciencias sociales
Chayat Kayap, Chumap Ramón (may-2018) - [Director: Álvarez Palomeque, Alba Catalina]
In the Achuar people, the predictive animals are a value of our experiences, beliefs and wisdoms that come to be complex strategies for children who learn to know and understand which are the animals that announce the death of family and foreigners. However, counting on the degree of maturity...
Sistematización de saberes sobre el matrimonio achuar para complementar y enriquecer los contenidos del área de ciencias sociales.
Ikiam Ramiro, Shimpiu Antik (may-2018) - [Director: Peña Jarrín, Luis Alfredo]
This work has the purpose of investigating and knowing about the traditional and current marriage of the Achuar people, inquiring into the elderly who live in the present because they are aware of the traditional marriage and marriage nowadays. Today in the ceremony of marriage there are many...
Sistematización de saberes sobre la aplicación de conocimiento etno-matemática en la construcción de una casa achuar, para complementar y enriquecer los contenidos del área de matemática en EGB
Peas Maich, Yanchap Melina (may-2018) - [Director: Laso Chenut, Anne Pascale]
This work deals with calculation measures and dimensions in the construction of the Achuar house. Nationality that has maintained its own culture; the importance lies in the fact that from the research this knowledge can be incorporated into the area of mathematics; to promote Bilingual and...
Sistematización de saberes sobre las formas de crianza de los achuar para complementar y enriquecer los contenidos del área de Ciencias Sociales
Piruch Tiwi, Wampiu Edwin (may-2018) - [Director: Laso Chenut, Anne Pascale]
An investigation is presented on the SYSTEMATIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE ON THE FORMS OF AGING OF THE ACHUAR TO COMPLEMENT AND ENRICH THE CONTENTS OF THE AREA OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, and for that I have been able to investigate first what is the word upbringing, development of culture, knowledge and social...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela Juan Vecente Morales de la comunidad El Prado, cantón Cayambe
Perugachi Farinango, Víctor Manuel; Lema Imba, María Elizabeth (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
This work includes systematic learning of educational partner project implemented in Canton Cayambe Ayora parish community in school Prado Juan Vicente Morales. Problematic located throughout the process through phases, probing, diagnosis and awareness, we proceeded to work the first two phases to...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio - educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela "Otto Sharnow" de la comunidad Buena Esperanza, cantón Cayambe
Acero Ulcuango, María Elizabeth; Lechón Lita, Mirian Guadalupe (abr-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
In this systematization project, we worked with parents and mothers and children of the school "Otto Sharnow" located in canton Cayambe, parish Cangahua, community Buena Esperanza. The first activity workshops survey was conducted to locate perceptions of violence, then a diagnostic workshop to...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio - educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela Ecuador Soberano de la comunidad Ascázubi, cantón Cayambe
Quishpe Tupiza, Cristina Alexandra; Salguero Espinosa, Paulina Aracely (may-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
Violence encompasses the more subtle forms in several cases are socially acceptable and which are used because we live as a logical part of life and not perceive the real magnitude, so even the most extreme forms that stand easily and which feel remain secret for fear of rejection by their...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio - educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela Junín de la comunidad Chinchiloma, cantón Cayambe
Guasgua Cabascango, Janneth Marisol; Tocagón Quilo, Jimena Jeanet (mar-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
This project worked with children, fathers and mothers of the "Junín" school, in its first part discusses the theoretical arguments of the issue of violence, they were given at different stages through workshops and worked with beneficiaries, whose aim was to prevent and eradicate violence to...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la unidad educativa intercultural bilingüe Humberto Fierro de la comunidad San Pablo Urco del cantón Cayambe
Ulcuango Rojas, Rasa Mercedes; Inlago Cuascota, Marco Vinicio (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
This draft systematization allows to collect information and determine how the work of intervention may help decrease the frequent use of violence in parenting practices, systematization collects the highlights of the proposed educational intervention described each of the phases for finally locate...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia del CECIB Mario Cobo Barona de la comunidad de San Isidro de Cajas, Cantón Cayambe
Guerra Buitrón, Irma Iliana; Guevara Toapanta, María Elena (may-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
The following proyect`s name is “Prevention of violence against children in CECIB “Mario Cobo Barona” in Pichincha Province, Cayambe city, Ayora town, San Isidro de Cajas community. This educational project has been developed with a population of 110 boys and girls from second to seventh grades of...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio educativo para la prevención de violencia contra la infancia. :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela de educación básica Carlos Vicente Andrade de la comunidad Pambamarca- Cangahua, cantón Cayambe
Pilca Lanchimba, Segundo Enrique; Tandayamo Ulcuango, Raúl Patricio (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
Violence is a social phenomenon readily detectable through cultural practices family. This has led to generate aggression in family violence is in the vicinity of Community experiential level, in view of the problems students Salesian University developed the Systematization Project...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio- educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela centro educativo Monseñor Leónidas Proaño de la comunidad Pambamarquito.
Guamán Yauripoma, Ligia Elena; Tipanluisa Farinango, Luz América (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
Violence is a factor that is present in everyday practices and it has impact on the activities that develop in the daily life of these households of the studied school. The project was developed on violence against children in school, "Monseñor Leonidas Proaño" the Pambamarquito commune belonging...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio-educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela fiscal Cayambe de la comunidad Convalecencia Juan Montalvo, cantón Cayambe
Portillo Hernámdez, Carina Daniela; Ortega Jarrín, Yolima Elizabeth (may-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
In this project, several important points on violence against children are described the types of violence against children: Factors, causes, now currently generate risks to children in their process of integral development. Which remains a reality in the Community Convalescent, so it was necessary...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio-educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia del CECIB Liliana Rojas Miranda de la comunidad Pitaná bajo, cantón Cayambe
Cholango Ulcuango, Edgar Mauricio; Imbaquingo Quishpe, Byron David (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
The systematization of the proposal of this educational intervention about the prevention against the children in the CECIB “Liliana Rojas Miranda” in Pitaná Bajo community consist of the following parts: the conceptual framework, covering the theoretical guidelines of the proposal; the...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio-educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas. Padres y madres de familia del centro educativo intercultural bilingüe 30 de Octubre de la comunidad Santa Marianita de Pingulmí, cantón Cayambe
Estrella Torres, Washington Eduardo; Andrade Flores, Wilmer Vicente (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
Violence against children is a social problem that has always existed in all social classes and ethnic groups. The children are victims, especially within households by their parents and by people living under the same roof and tobe part of this family group become bullies or silent accomplices of...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio-educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela de educación básica Lucía Donoso Dammer de la comuna Ascázubi alto, cantón Cayambe
Villagómez Guevara, María del Carmen; Guaras Pinango, María Presentación (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
This systematization of socio educational project for the prevention of violence against childhood intervention: "experience with children, fathers and mothers of school" Donoso Dammer Lucia "is about the violence that commonly lives present day. Throughout our work we try as people perceived the...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socio-educativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la infancia. :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y madres de familia de la escuela "Arturo Borja" de la comunidad Muyurco, cantón Cayambe
Cuascota Ulcuango, Carlos Luis; Churuchumbi Andrimba, Rosa Elisa (may-2015) - [Director: Torres Medrano, Jaime Patricio]
Therefore different types of individual, family and social violence, constitutes a grave injustice and discrimination that brings negative results on the development of the personality of the victims and aggressors, also affects the harmony and good living environment. The educational intervention...
Sistematización del proyecto de intervención socioeducativo para la prevención de la violencia contra la Infancia :Experiencia con los niños, niñas, padres y Madres de familia del cecib Sumak Wawa, cantón Cayambe
Espinosa Pullas, Andrea Verónica; Farinango Colcha, Blanca Cecilia (abr-2015) - [Director: González Quincha, María Alejandra]
The Project from intervention socio-educative to prevention of the violence against infancy is lead to children, parents and teachers of the Centro Educativo Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe (CECIB) Sumak Wawa of the canton Cayambe with objective of sensitize and prevent the violence generated in...