Browsing by Advisor Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Ballet etnofolcklórico “despertar andino” :representación de la mujer andina y la fertilidad.
Larco Andrade, Miriam Denisse (Feb-2016) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The folk dance over the years has been a form of expression of the cultural identity of a group specific. This article discusses the relationship of the fertile woman with Earth and the representation of femininity and fertility through the four natural elements: Earth, air, fire and water....
Conflictos identitarios del Pueblo Negro en el Valle del Chota-Provincia de Imbabura: entre la folklorización y la descolonización.
León Bernardo, Alexandra Natali (Sep-2017) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
Chota-Imbabura between the folklorization and the decolonization have been the principal motivation to be able to realize this investigation, since it is necessary to recognize colonial processes that the people should identify as such and since inside his context such certain conceptualizations...
Diseño de un plan de comunicación para la apropiación de los principios de economía social y solidaria, bajo la experiencia de fincas agroecológicas, por parte de los habitantes del barrio Argelia Alta.
Campos Naranjo, Santiago Javier (May-2014) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
This is a communication plan based on the agroecological farm experience developed by the Argelia Alta entrepreneur’ association women. In which, the author analyzes the communicative processes developed both within and outside of the partnership, mainly using the participant observation...
Estrategia de comunicación popular: vinculación de la escuela “Mujeres de Frente” para la socialización de procesos de educación popular y feminista.
Cárdenas Zapata, Stephany Pamela (Apr-2014) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The research presented a communication issue from the perspective of gender , popular and alternative communication in building popular communication strategies for linking school " Women's Front" for the socialization process of popular education and feminist . The work of an exploration of the...
Fotoreportaje de las prácticas comunicativas y los nuevos escenarios del Hip Hop.
Ibarra Paredes, Daniela Germania; Valdivieso Villena, Evelin Dennis (Apr-2016) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The photo report: "The communicative art of Hip Hop" was carried out in order to analyze the nature of the communication practices of Hip Hop as the construction of identity in the city of Quito, proposing new communicative scenarios of this youth culture, generating a break of the...
Imaginarios y Estereotipos de Violencia de Género en las Representaciones del Artista Callejero
Meza Bernal, Jenniffer Maribel (Feb-2018) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The objective of this work was to analyze the imaginaries and stereotypes of gender violence that the Ecuadorian street artist Mauricio Estrella, Manicho makes use of in his presentations at “Parque El Ejido” in Quito as a public space. In order to do so, the importance of street theater as a...
La música rock como vínculo de comunicación en la creación y recreación de procesos identitarios.
Cueva Muñoz, Jessica Lizeth (Sep-2016) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
This paper aims to reveal to rock music as a means of communication for the formation of identity. You want to claim and discover the identity elements that characterize the rock, given that in the city of Quito this culture is always confronted with prejudices, and stereotypes; people who do...
Libro fotográfico sobre los procesos artísticos de los centros culturales “Arte y Libertad” como prácticas de comunicación popular
Padilla Lemos, Nicole Alejandra (Feb-2019) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
El presente informe sustenta de manera teórica y metodológica la realización de un libro fotográfico que pretende relacionar el campo de la comunicación popular con el arte, entendiendo al primero como un proceso dialógico, con compromiso de clase, que tiene como protagonistas a los sectores...
Memoria social de las lavanderías populares casos :“Chiriyacu”, “De los milagros” y “La Ermita”
Cajiao Oviedo, David Alejandro; Páez Peralta, Adriana del Carmen (Mar-2015) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The current document presents in detail the studies and the field investigation made with the main objective of revalue the public laundries. The results will be embodied in a magazine which is to be elaborated with its basis on the collected information. The presentation and revaluation of the...
Producción de un video para vincular adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad al proyecto salesiano Talleres Escuela San Patricio Tespa
Paz Estévez, Evelyn Dayana; Gallegos Ochoa, Carlos Alejandro (May-2015) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
“TESPA an option for the future” is an infomercial that shows the Centro de Formación Talleres Escuela San Patricio’s labor, here teenagers between 15 and 20 years old get trained in an academic, crafty and technical way. They can choice the specialties that they prefer: general mechanics, motor...
Representación de lo marginal y desigualdad en la expresión artística del rap quiteño.
Herrera Herrera, Paúl Alexander (Aug-2018) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The research analyzes the speech of representative Hip Hop culture songs in the city of Quito, in order to identify the probles of marginal and social inequality, this parses two songs from a musical group and an artist, representative of this musical genre, like Mugre Sur and Marmota. Bardin's...
Video documental de las representaciones sociales de la cultura urbana Straight Edge en Quito.
Arroba Alarcón, Daniel Mauricio; Vallejo Ponce, Christian Alejandro (Jul-2017) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The documentary video entitled "MANTENTE FIRME" was held in the city of Quito - Ecuador, with the purpose of analyzing the social representations that are manifested in the urban culture Straight Edge, so people would be able to understand it is different expressions, and in this way It shows an...
Video reportaje sobre el lenguaje no verbal del Presidente Rafael Correa en los enlaces ciudadanos del mes de junio del 2015.
Miño Flores, Danny Andrés; Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia (Aug-2016) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The policy has achieved a high degree of persuasion in the population and even more in television; aware of that, political leaders have continuously adjusting their speeches to the guidelines of this audiovisual means harder to convince the audience as well as virtual supporters. Currently,...
Video reportaje sobre los grafitis de “Acción Ortográfica en Quito
Salcedo Nicolalde, Johanna Nathaly (Feb-2017) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
The video report briefly talks about graffiti and how it has changed the way to establish an alternative communication, so in the capital city creates a collective that corrects graffiti that have some spelling lack in order to raise awareness of society. Compilation of images, followed by the...
Video reportaje sobre procesos de comunicación-educación popular en talleres de Hip Hop, con jóvenes privados de libertad, del Proyecto “Liberarte” en el DM, Quito 2012 - 2017
Cisneros Pérez, Juan Francisco (Mar-2019) - [Director: Paredes Ortiz, Isabel Antonia]
El presente estudio busca analizar el papel de la comunicación-educación popular y el Hip Hop, en el desarrollo de programas de reinserción social entre jóvenes privados de libertad. Para ello se utiliza la investigación cualitativa y la metodología etnográfica valiéndose de la técnica de...