Guía didáctica para la revitalización cultural comunitario en la parroquia Zumbahua de la comuna Yanashpa para CECIB “dolores Cacuango” en el año 2011-2012

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Title: Guía didáctica para la revitalización cultural comunitario en la parroquia Zumbahua de la comuna Yanashpa para CECIB “dolores Cacuango” en el año 2011-2012
Authors: Pilalumbo Cuzco, Fabián Ernesto
Advisor: Hurtado Jorque, Amable
Abstract: El presente estudio destaca que los diversos fenómenos sociales como el migratorio inciden negativamente en la pérdida de la identidad cultural, por lo que es necesario de un instrumento que promueva el empoderamiento de la identidad cultural a través de la valoración de las costumbres y tradiciones que han dejado los ancestros.
Translated abstract: The present study stresses that various social phenomena such as the immigration negatively affect the loss of cultural identity, it is necessary an instrument that promotes the empowerment of cultural identity through the assessment of customs and traditions that the ancients have left. Results that throws the research show that the inhabitants of the commune Yanashpa still maintain their mother tongue Kichwa, as well as practices, wisdom, customs and traditions. However, in the indigenous communities in particular Yanashpa, likely to the native culture as well as it may look weakened, and is exposed to the accelerated transformation, because of a high rate of migration of the inhabitants of the said commune.
Issue Date: Jul-2013
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Grado

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