Browsing by Author Borja Espín, Dayana

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Elaboración y comprobación de la eficacia in vivo de crema humectante con extracto de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum, Solanáceae) y arazá (Eugenia stipitata, Myrtáceae)
Villacís Vargas, Carmen Elizabeth (Dec-2014) - [Director: Borja Espín, Dayana]
This study's main objective was to check the effectiveness of a cosmetic cream made with aqueous extracts of tomato and arazá. The effectiveness of the cream on 40 volunteers men and women, aged between 20 and 65 years was determined through a technique called corneometry skin bioengineering,. The...
Evaluación del efecto del jugo de pitahaya (Hylocereus triangularis) a diferentes concentraciones sobre el grado de hidratación de las capas superiores de la epidermis, tras realizar una aplicación cutánea única, en sujetos adultos.
Rodas Mancheno, Gabriela Mercedes; Montero Guerrero, Amparito Concepción (Jul-2015) - [Director: Borja Espín, Dayana]
This research has been focused in the study of the moisturizing capability of the pitahaya(Hylocereustriangularis) juice at the upper layers of the epidermis. In order to study the effect of pitahaya on skin hydration in one single application, we began to test gels with different concentrations...