Buscar por Director Santillán Mora, María Augusta
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Guía metodológica para la gestión del talento humano con discapacidad en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Quito.
Miniguano Rodríguez, Jonathan Santiago; Vega Escobar, Carmen Beatriz (mar-2014) - [Director: Santillán Mora, María Augusta]
The analysis of the workers with disability situational reality, added to the theoretical base taken from authors as: Kurt Goldstein, Abraham Maslow, Alfred Adler and the legal sustenance that international and state organizations give us, lead us to the creation of a Methodological Guide for human...
Sistematización de la experiencia práctica de intervención de la elaboración de un manual de funciones por competencias de la empresa ESERSUM IND. Cia. Ltda. Durante el año 2017
Noguera Suárez, Daniela del Rocío (mar-2018) - [Director: Santillán Mora, María Augusta]
The present work is a report of the development of the pre-professional practical
experience of the career of Labor and Organizational Psychology.
The main objective was the elaboration of a Manual of Functions by Competences
in the Company ESERSUM Ind. Cía. Ltda. During the year 2017; in which...