Browsing by Advisor Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Adaptaciones radiofónicas de cuentos ecuatorianos contemporáneos para incentivar y fomentar la lectura en niños de la unidad educativa salesiana Domingo Savio por radio mensaje
Betancourt Mera, Víctor Alfonso; Changoluisa Romero, Vinicio Alejandro (May-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
The present research work, remarks the Reading like a tool that increases the communication between humans, strengthen national unity, improve democracy and helps to find stimulus of personal overcoming (who reads a text and who plays it.) Besides, it is the principal information and education...
Análisis de discurso de la música rocolera: desde el poder simbólico.
Córdova Cevallos, Cristina Alexandra (Aug-2016) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This academic article is the result of an investigation with communicational approach that is evident how through rocolera music and lyrics feminine reaffirms from the sociological approach to communication; the emotions and realities that arise from the lyrics of the music and rocolera which...
Análisis de la producción y difusión de programas televisivos, que no cumplen con el Código de la Niñez y Adolescencia según la Ley de Comunicación, asegurando el ejercicio pleno de sus derechos
Rocha Trujillo, Marco Andres (Mar-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This analysis of communication and social organization. To settle Theoretical bases since the state's laws, television, social construction, poverty like deprivation, sensationalism, right to inform, freedom of expression from respect for the integrity and image of childhood, from programs like "In...
Análisis del programa Calle 7
Guerrón Parreño, Josué Alejandro (Mar-2017) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
The alliance between media and technology led to the introduction of media discourse in the daily life of human beings. Managing to position itself as a direct reference of reality; a pre-filter between the experience and the interpretation of this. The abrupt appearance of the image in the...
Diseño de estrategias comunicativas para sensibilizar a los usuarios del servicio de cedulación del registro civil sobre la importancia de la donación de órganos.
Bayas Jaramillo, Emilia Valeria (Jan-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
Communication for development opens the door to change in a society, and an integral part of their management, education becomes your best ally in building more ethical and socially conscious individuals that contribute to individual growth and community of a country. As part of an evolutionary...
Documental radiofónico sobre la oralidad como subproducto literario segregado por la literatura escrita
Montalván Briones, Ramón Rolando (Sep-2016) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
Orality has been regarded by many cultures as a tissue fabric, weaving relations environment itself; that oral enunciation involves a ritual to myth, the story that has existed at all times in all people, what proffers a universal category because this is perhaps the most expressive power of...
El lenguaje de los indigentes en la plaza de San Francisco en la Ciudad de Quito hacia una comunicación en alteridad
Gudiño Mantilla, Freddy Adrián (Apr-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
The language of the homeless in San Francisco Square in the city of Quito to a communication otherness. Justification: This research relates to the document MEDIACOM postulated by teacher Marco Polo Guerrero, adopted at the Salesian University. It relates to the field of Communication and...
Estudio de los imaginarios del “Chulla Quiteño” como personaje arquetípico y sus tácticas comunicativas.
Suárez Bastidas, Gisela Tatiana (Jun-2014) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
The "chulla quiteño" is an archetypal popular origin character that has survived to the present day due meanings construction and reconstruction process that have generated a collective imaginary variety identity-related ideas of Quito. However, this anti-hero and critical actor change in the early...
Noticiero Radiofónico Regional Amazónico NUESTRA TIERRA (SHUAR).
Chiluisa Garcés, María José (Apr-2016) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
“NUESTRA TIERRA” is a radio newsreel driven with intercultural orientation and conducted in Spanish and Shuar-Chicham, both Ecuadorian languages. The initiative is born from the intention to cover necessities related to communication and interaction between different Amazonian peoples. This...
Plan de comunicación para el Hospital Yaruquí de la campaña - Habla Serio, sexualidad sin misterios
Santamaría Robalino, Mariuxi Estefanía (Nov-2014) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
The lack of preventive health care as State policy, has been one of the major flaws in our public health system. The incorrect designation of State resources and the lack of planning with regard to public health not only resulted in problems in the health service but which also affects...
Producción de una radio revista cultural para la revalorización identitaria de Cayambe
Achig Pillajo, Jonathan Alexander; Posso Espinosa, Edison Francisco (May-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This paper aims to show the process of creating a radio cultural magazine claiming culture and identity, in order to generate communication proposals that are linked to social and community of the citizens of Canton Cayambe development, based on 13 programs Radial 55 minutes long each. We...
Producción de una radio revista juvenil para la radio mensaje a cargo de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Salesiana Domingo Savio de Cayambe
Gómez Valladares, Andrea Cristina; Nájera Chicaiza, Mirian Alexandra (Jul-2014) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
Radio magazine "Youth Connection" is a radio program produced by a group of young students Dominic Savio Salesian Education Unit under the direction of Andrea Gómez and Alexandra Najera as promoters of the thesis entitled: "A RADIO PRODUCTION OF YOUTH MAGAZINE THE RADIO MESSAGE BY STUDENTS OF...
Producto radial :discriminación en pacientes con V.I.H
Pérez Vargas, Fanny Janet (Jan-2017) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This research is established as an academic project through which is addressed theoretically the educational role of radio in the demystification of people living with HIV, for which it uses the position of different authors who have addressed the origin of this media, its features and...
Programa radial sobre la naturalización de la violencia contra la niñez en el hogar.
Mariño Guamán, María Fernanda (Nov-2016) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This work deals with the situation of violence against children, both at home and in places of formal education. In these spaces it is trying to justify the abuse by a social imaginary of obedience and education repeating a legacy that generations have inculcated. Teaching shows how violence...
Radio revista para la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (ACJ).
Beltrán Chipantiza, Sofía Carolina; Marcillo Pacheco, Dayana Mercedes (Nov-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This titling project was done in order to build a participation, expression and learning youth space. Through training a group of young people, members of the “Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes” (ACJ), it was achieved they get interested in radio as an inclusive mean as they turn into the actors of...
Revista informativa radial enfocada a la resolución de conflictos familiares pasa ser transmitida en "in radio"
Duque Salazar, Sylvia Mishell; Apolo Martínez, Carla Estefanía (May-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
“Learning together in the family” is a radial proposal that intended to assist parents in managing relationships with their children in the context of specific conflicts that occur in everyday life, raising the importance of communication based on dialogue as the main alternative for resolving...
Revista radial juvenil web para la Unidad Educativa Salesiana Cardenal Spellman.
Delgado Benavides, Byron Ernesto (Sep-2016) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This document is a synthesis of the implementation process carried out at Salesiana Cardenal Spellman School, which was aimed at creating a radio show in a magazine format. The pedagogical model was based on the interactivity generated by the students by means of social relevant contents...
Video documental sibre el ciclista y artista urbano de las calles de Quito Sebastián Muñoz (+)
Masache Heredia, Javier Andrés; Villavicencio Tobar, Raúl Alejandro (Apr-2015) - [Director: Cuesta Ormaza, Germán Humberto]
This work, as well as the documentary accompanying product is intended to pay tribute to the life of a street artist and cyclist in Quito on a personal level; in the sociocultural level is also intended to show some irregularities in both public policy and the culture of the inhabitants of the city...