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Proyecto para la expansión de la cobertura del Banco del Austro agencia Quicentro Sur.
Gamboa Cárdenas, Christian Armando; Tenelanda Tixi, Diana Paola (feb-2013) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
Despite this financial institution shows a trajectory of 35 years in the market positioning is weak compared to other financial institutions, this due to its low rating risk, not to encourage the improvement of systems and technology to support processes management, not providing quality services...
Proyecto para la producción y exportación de brócoli orgánico
Cataña Villalba, Jhonatan Rodrigo; Puchaicela Narváez, Giovanny Gonzalo (may-2008) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
This project proposes to resume the leading role that agriculture must have on the economies of nations for both food security and to stimulate national production. Particularly the broccoli has competitive advantages in terms of crop cycles given the natural conditions of our country...
Proyecto para optimización de tiempos, costos y productividad de la pymes Mitra ubicada en el sector norte del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Camacho Díaz, Luis Alberto; Valarezo Armas, David Rigoberto (may-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
The study for the optimization of time, cost and productivity of the PYMES Mitra Arte en Fruta, which produces fruit arrangements with chocolate and fruit salad. The project presented below is based on the study of a small production plant. In which aims to initially diagnose the production process...
Reestructuración del sistema operativo en la empresa Servilux
Cifuentes Chávez, Angela Rita (sep-2006) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
Design and propose a restructuring of the operating system in the enterprise that enables and facilitates SERVILUX achieve satisfactory results in a short and medium-term increase in production and customer loyalty to the company.
Sistema para gestión de la calidad del caso: Asociación de Confecciones "ARITA", dedicada a la producción y comercialización de productos textiles promocionales, ubicado en el barrio Santa Ana de Chillogallo al sur de Quito, en el año 2014
Alcocer Ambuludi, Mónica del Rocío (may-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
The following research seeks breeding purposes in production processes, is why a Quality Management System being based on the principles and bases of designing ISO 9001: 2008, it is necessary to specify that no certification will take place. In Chapter 1 of this research plan aspects of the...
Valoración de las condiciones de calidad de vida de las familias del barrio Sucre Fundeporte de la zona urbana sur de la ciudad de Quito.
Andino Barreno, Cristina Jacqueline; Gaón Martínez, Zaida Milena (abr-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
This research workis composed of 4 chapters assess quality of life conditions of the families of the neighborhood "Sucre Fundeporte" urban area south of the city of Quito. In the first chapter a diagnosis of the quality of life of the community under study is performed and; are determined and...
Valoración de las tendencias sobre el consumo de productos alimenticios de origen orgánico en el sector "La Floresta", parroquia Mariscal Sucre del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
León Cevallos, Samantha Isabel (abr-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
At the present organic products have become important inside the costumer’s minds, so it’s necessary to make an investigation in order to identify market trends, people need to know which one of those is the most important and what have led to a change of mentality. In the parish Mariscal Sucre is...
Valoración del impacto socioeconómico por la eliminación del subsidio del gas licuado de petróleo en la zona Quitumbe en el sur de Quito
Pacheco Pacheco, Eder Alexander (may-2015) - [Director: Lince Merizalde, Jaime Roberto]
In 1956, Ecuador started internally merchandising Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). This hydrocarbon would become a high demand product for both domestic and commercial use. Currently the Ecuadorian Government is looking to implement a new project based on the change of the production matrix for...