Buscar por Carrera Maestría en Sistemas Integrados de la Gestión de la Calidad, Ambiente y Seguridad

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“Determinación del nivel organizacional de micro y pequeñas empresas de Quito, basado en un sistema integrado de gestión, 2013”.
Pacheco Lafuente, Esteban Alejandro (ago-2014) - [Director: Moreta Duque, Víctor Alonso]
This research seeks to diagnose compliance with the requirements of a Integrated Management in a sample of 401 micro and small enterprises in the system Quito, in order to determine the organizational level and determine whether management aspects analyzed, can be considered as a factor that...
Elaboración de un plan de emergencias y desastres del centro integral de ingeniería ecológica (sitio sujeto a estudio) de la empresa bajo estudio, mediante la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad y amenaza
Arboleda Jácome, Viviana Gabriela (mar-2015) - [Director: Carrillo Villarroel, Hernán]
This work was performed at the site subject to study of the company under study what is located in the province of Francisco de Orellana, where it is carried out operational activities such as: Remediation of soil, contaminated sludge with hydrocarbon, treatment of hazardous waste not hazardous...
Estructuración e implementación de un modelo para la integración al sistema gestión de calidad, de la gestión ambiental y de seguridad, en la Empresa Eléctrica Quito
Herrera, Marco Vinicio (sep-2014) - [Director: Martínez Vega, Pablo]
The global trend in the organizational environment is to integrate management systems to ensure users , products and quality services that meet customer requirements and legal , ensuring minimal effect on the environment and care for the person personnel , safety and health at work. Based on this...
Evaluación de costos de accidentes profesionales de los servidores policiales en Quito.
Maza Campoverde, Guadalupe; Toasa Vizuete, Mónica Yadira (feb-2015) - [Director: Cerda Prado, Nelson Alberto]
The present study was conducted in Eloy Alfaro District Police of Quito with the cops who, work there, with whom we have investigated and determined the causes of occupational accidents, the degree of injured police servers, frequency of police work accidents and evaluating the real cost that...
Evaluación de parámetros físico químicos en tres marcas de sal de consumo nacional en el Ecuador continental
Obando Rodríguez, Miriam del Rocío (abr-2015) - [Director: Orlando Manuel]
Iodine is an essential micronutrient for the functions of the human organism. The lacking of this is actually recognized as the principal cause of disability that can be prevented. According to World Health Organization (WHO) among the most frequent disorders for the lacking of Iodine are:...
Gestión de riesgos ante emergencias de origen natural y antrópico para el instituto tecnológico superior Cordillera del distrito metropolitano de Quito
Madero Pazmiño, José Roberto (abr-2015) - [Director: Yánez, Patricio]
In chapter I, There is a problem that has been determined where the Post-secondary Technological Cordillera Institute doesn’t have a model of Emergency and Risk procedures that deals with Emergencies. In addition to that there´s reason to vindicate a systematic way dealing with why it should count...
Implementación del sistema de gestión de aseguramiento y control de calidad en el departamento técnico para los productos y servicios DE COHECO S.A.
Terán Ruales, Jorge Daniel (dic-2014) - [Director: Moreta, Alonso]
In Ecuador the vertical transport business appeared with the first high buildings in the country. Today the use of this kind equipment is so common and efficient that the expectations and requirements go far beyond the need for transportation. A complex and strict set of rules and legal...
Influencia del programa socio bosque en la dinámica de los servicios ambientales de los bosques secos deciduos del Ecuador
Acosta Cevallos, Elena Gabriela; Rodríguez Guerrero, Brígida Beatriz (mar-2015) - [Director: Salazar, José]
This paper analyzes the influence of “Programa Socio Bosque” in the dynamics of Environmental Services of Dry Deciduous Forests of Ecuador. These forests are formations under the warm plains of the Ecuadorian coast, have the characteristic of losing 75% of their leaves during the dry season. An...
Integración de las normas ISO 9001 e ISO INEN 22716 en la metodología apropiada con la industria de cosméticos de Quito
Mora Quishpe, Juan Carlos (ene-2015) - [Director: Cerda Prado, Nelson Alberto]
The following research the integration of ISO 9001: 2008 "Quality Management Systems" INEN and ISO 22716: 2013 "Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices" in an appropriate methodological guide to the cosmetics industry Quito, in order for organizations that manufacture cosmetics in the city, improve...
Integración de un sistema de gestión de seguridad operacional (SMS) con los criterios de calidad, ambiente y seguridad y salud ocupacional en una aerolínea.
Cabrera García, Freddy Fernando (abr-2014) - [Director: Carrillo Villarroel, Hernán]
The present research aims to define the criteria necessary to integrate a System of Safety Management SMS with the criteria of ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environment and Occupational Health and Safety OHSAS 18001 for an airline to harmonize compliance and optimize resources.
Integración de un sistema de gestión para gases de efecto invernadero con los lineamientos generales de calidad, seguridad y ambiente en la operación de equipos de tierra en una aerolínea
Muñoz Vasco, Rubén Santiago (mar-2015) - [Director: Bucheli García, Jorge A.]
The present research is aimed at defining the guidelines to integrate a Management System for Greenhouse Gases criteria of Quality ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001 and Occupational Health and Safety OHSAS 18001 for ground operations in an airline, with the objective of harmonizing compliance...
Mejoramiento de ingeniería de un sistema de contención de suelos para una plataforma petrolera ubicada en la Provincia de Orellana, utilizando herramientas de gestión medioambientales y de seguridad en el trabajo
Paredes Andrade, Estuardo Rafael (nov-2014) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
The Ecuadorian Amazon has been always characterized by high levels of humidity, this is a serious problem in construction field, because the soil has significant rates of water into its components, leading to landslides caused by rain or filtration, it becomes an important phenomenon in this...
Modelo de gestión integral en la empresa Condimensa de la parroquia Amaguaña
Luna Chacón, Angelica Elizabeth; Astudillo Arévalo, Jenny Patricia (mar-2015) - [Director: Martínez, Pablo]
The aim of this thesis is to define a Model of Integrated Management System in the "CONDIMENSA" company, located in Amaguaña applying the Technical Guideline INEN 2537: 2010, using research methodologies as scheduled recognition site visits, meetings with senior manager, administrative and...
Reforma a la estructura orgánica de la Setec y control estadístico de los procesos agregadores de valor
Torres Erazo, Amparo del Rocío (mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This work was performed with the servers from headquarters of the State Secretariat Technical of Vocational Training (SETEC) in Quito, with whom we make the workloads and value added analysis of the activities and a statistical control of process. To integrate the objectives in the different...
Sistema de control de riesgos laborales en el proceso de producción de fruta de palma (Elaeis guineesis Jacq) y extracción de aceite en palmeras de los Andes S.A. en San Lorenzo
Cacuango Colcha, Edison Giovanny (mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This project conducted a manual control system of occupational hazards in the production process palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis jacq) and extraction of oil, PALM OF THE ANDES SA In San Lorenzo, in accordance with Article 51 RES. CD 390 REGULATION OF GENERAL INSURANCE RISK OF WORK. In the...
Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el administrador aeroportuario de Quito
Calderón Olivo, Rosario Maribel; Calderón Olivo, Mónica Guadalupe (mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This research was carried out by the Airport Administrator of Quito, the company responsible for managing and operating the airport in Quito; with the purpose of developing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the Workplace, based on the OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard, for when the...
Validación de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión del área de control de calidad de un laboratorio para formas farmacéuticas sólidas.
Basantes Espín, Doris Tatiana; Sánchez Quilo, William Renan (ene-2015) - [Director: Carrillo Villarroel, Hernán]
xvi ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to validate an integrated management system applied to quality control area of a solid dosage forms pharmaceutical laboratory in order to achieve high quality, safety and environment standards. A comparative situation analysis using checklists, observation...