Browsing by Advisor Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Mejoramiento de ingeniería de un sistema de contención de suelos para una plataforma petrolera ubicada en la Provincia de Orellana, utilizando herramientas de gestión medioambientales y de seguridad en el trabajo
Paredes Andrade, Estuardo Rafael (Nov-2014) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
The Ecuadorian Amazon has been always characterized by high levels of humidity, this is a serious problem in construction field, because the soil has significant rates of water into its components, leading to landslides caused by rain or filtration, it becomes an important phenomenon in this...
Reforma a la estructura orgánica de la Setec y control estadístico de los procesos agregadores de valor
Torres Erazo, Amparo del Rocío (Mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This work was performed with the servers from headquarters of the State Secretariat Technical of Vocational Training (SETEC) in Quito, with whom we make the workloads and value added analysis of the activities and a statistical control of process. To integrate the objectives in the different...
Sistema de control de riesgos laborales en el proceso de producción de fruta de palma (Elaeis guineesis Jacq) y extracción de aceite en palmeras de los Andes S.A. en San Lorenzo
Cacuango Colcha, Edison Giovanny (Mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This project conducted a manual control system of occupational hazards in the production process palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis jacq) and extraction of oil, PALM OF THE ANDES SA In San Lorenzo, in accordance with Article 51 RES. CD 390 REGULATION OF GENERAL INSURANCE RISK OF WORK. In the...
Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el administrador aeroportuario de Quito
Calderón Olivo, Rosario Maribel; Calderón Olivo, Mónica Guadalupe (Mar-2015) - [Director: Eduardez Villegas, Juan Fernando]
This research was carried out by the Airport Administrator of Quito, the company responsible for managing and operating the airport in Quito; with the purpose of developing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the Workplace, based on the OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard, for when the...