Browsing by Advisor Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de la Quinua (Chenopodium Quinoa) producida en la provincia de Imbabura
Criollo Oña, Klever Alberto; Salamea Romero, Carolina Elizabeth (Feb-2018) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
FAO considers Quinoa as a cereal with high nutritional potential and is therefore recognized in the contribution of food security; Due to this, it has been necessary to study its environmental performance. Therefore, the present investigation studied the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the Quinoa...
Detección de antibióticos betalactámicos, tetraciclinas y sulfamidas como contaminantes emergentes en los ríos San Pedro y Pita del cantón Rumiñahui
Chicaiza Ramírez, Sabrina Estefanía; Ramos López, Allan David (Jun-2018) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
Each one of the activities that the society does dairy produce alterations in our environment. Very usual activities such as personal hygiene and health care can cause negative effects in the environment, since it adds a series of substances of different chemical compositions, those substances are...
Estimación de la huella de carbono en los cultivos de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) de los cantones Cayambe y Riobamba ubicados en los Andes Ecuatorianos
Pinzón Colmenares, Ingrid Estefanía (Mar-2017) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
The main objective of this research was to estimate the Carbon Footprint in the Quinua crops (Chenopodium quinoa) of the cantons Cayambe and Riobamba located in the Ecuadorian Andes. The study carried out the Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG), which followed the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for the AFOLU...
Estimación de la huella hídrica en los cultivos de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) de los cantones Cayambe y Riobamba ubicados en los Andes Ecuatorianos
Sandoval Mena, Erika Lizbeth (Mar-2017) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
The main objective of the research was to estimate the amount of Water Footprint (WF) that covered the water needs of the crops of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) of the cantons of Cayambe and Riobamba, starting from a scheme of calculation based on the methodology described in the manual of the Water...
Evaluación in vitro de la capacidad bacteriana para remover cadmio en aguas residuales sintéticas
Rubio Caiza, Carmen Lucrecia; Terán Moreno, Katherin Lisvet (Jun-2016) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
Accumulation and presence of heavy metals such as cadmium in wastewater cause concern because of its high toxicity and complexity of its elimination. One of the methods for metal removal is the use of bacteria; some species can accumulate metals or convert them into less toxic forms, due to...
Evaluación in vitro de la capacidad bacteriana para remover plomo en aguas residuales sintéticas
Guerra Guevara, Santiago Paúl; Reinoso Molina, Gabriela Alejandra (Mar-2016) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
In this study it has been performed an in vitro characterization of 152 strains and microbial consortia, in order to mitigate the environmental impacts of different industrial activities related to mining, petrochemical and metallurgical sector. In isolation and biostimulation phase, bacteria were...
Identificación molecular de bacterias resistentes a cadmio y cromo aisladas de aguas contaminadas de la zona de Papallacta cantón Quijos de la provincia de Napo
Bustos Viteri, Krupskaya Tamara; Cacuango Gualacata, Jenny Jacqueline (Jan-2017) - [Director: Ramírez Cando, Lenin Javier]
Cadmium and Chromium are highly toxic heavy metals in their ionic forms, they’re extremely hard to remove because they tend to accumulate becoming a serious environmental problem. The bacterial ability to resist high concentrations of heavy metals was been studied in the bioremediation field,...