Browsing by Advisor Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Construcción de la identidad política femenina y mecanismos de poder. Tres estudios de caso en Ecuador
Montenegro Collaguazo, Lorena Catalina (Jan-2014) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This research analyzes reflexively , how the identity of women in politics is configured through discourse analysis mechanisms within the power of the State -Capitalist Patriarchal and Colonial Culture . Considering speech as the construction of meaning in the identity correlated with the everyday,...
Discriminación étnica en el trabajo: El caso de los albañiles en Otavalo
Flores Ruales, Luis Alberto (Nov-2018) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
Ethnic discrimination against indigenous people is part of the colonial matrix that expresses itself in new forms and in different spheres and strata of society. A latent case of ethnic discrimination is that of the construction workers in Otavalo city, who due to their ethnic and economic...
El símbolo de la palla en la fiesta ritual del Corpus Christi en la parroquia de la Merced y su relación con el Sumak Kawsay
Estrella Rivadeneira, María Manuela (May-2014) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
As a search for answers to building a just society between human beings and nature, has raised the concept of Sumak Kawsay as a guideline to follow in the Constitution of Ecuador, a result of social struggles of various social sectors Ecuadorian society. An understanding of this concept arises from...
El trabajo de las mujeres en la pequeña minería
Farfán Durán, María Verónica (Apr-2018) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This research analyzes how the work of the Jancheras Women of the Independent Women Worker’s Association “Las Águilas”, is inserted in the mining production, understood not only as a work, but as a structure of symbolic, political, economic and cultural relations, which influence the whole life in...
Experiencia de educación superior intercultural en la provincia de Chimborazo :Caso del centro superior de sabiduría ancestral y nueva conciencia Jatun Yachay Wasi, año 2014
Hervas Parra, Aquiles Alfredo (May-2015) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This research presents the work performed in the study of the particular case of the “Centro de Saberes Ancestrales Jatun Yachay Wasi”, which operates as an institution of higher intercultural education, with careers designed from the ancestral Andean knowledge. Through this study we collected in a...
Fiestas populares, ritos e identidades urbanas. Caso fiesta de La Virgen del Guayco, parroquia Turubamba, barrio El Conde, periodo 2012-2013
Avilés Hidalgo, Gioconda Alexandra (Jul-2014) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This research was conducted in the neighborhood of El Conde 1, located in the parish of Turubamba, south of Quito, during the period 2012 – 2013. Here we analyzed how migrating settlers from El Conde 1 neighborhood recreate their identities and strengthen their spiritual and affective ties, through...
Formas de exclusión participativa y representativa en cargos de gobernabilidad de las y los jóvenes en la localidad de Cajamarca-Perú en el 2010 y 2011.
Huamán Sánchez, Luis (Jul-2012) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
The research is a study in the city of Cajamarca, Peru. Where the young people were nominated as candidates and participated in the various political parties, movements, since the average age is stipulated by the law of participation fees. They are young people from organizational processes so...
La construcción conflictiva de identidades infantiles en el proceso de socialización escolar. Caso del Colegio Hispano de Educación Básica Ecuador
Cárdenas Vasconez, Ernesto William (May-2012) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
Con el propósito de tener una idea clara de la situación que viven los educandos del Colegio de Educación Básica República del Ecuador, es pertinente enfocar el presente estudio investigativo en el contexto de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Dicho enfoque parte de lo general a lo particular, por...
La payasada de San Juan de Cumbayá
Montenegro González, Andrea Maritza (Aug-2016) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
The present ethnography is the result of participant observation and Anthropological Interviews to the habitants of the community, made during the years 2014 and 2015 in the neighborhood of San Juan de Cumbayá, party That celebrations year after year, Known As the "Payasada de San Juan"....
Salud e Interculturalidad en Pueblos Kichwas de la Amazonia Norte :estudio de caso sobre el aporte a las políticas de salud intercultural de la Organización de Comunidades Kichwas de Loreto, Provincia de Orellana.
Alvarado Santana, Hernán David (Jul-2016) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This ethnography addresses the general characteristics of the Intercultural Health System of Canton Loreto in Orellana Province, which also depicts the joint work of the Indigenous Organization (OCKIL), the Ministry of Health, and the Health Network Loreto. It also states with an...
Símbolo, poder, religiosidad e identidad en la fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe en el barrio de Guapulo
Campo Imbaquingo, Catalina del Carmen (14-Jul-2012) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
Guápulo es uno de los barrios más tradicionales y característicos de Quito, pertenece a la parroquia urbana de Itchimbia; limita al norte con la quebrada del Batán y el Guangüiltagua, al sur y al este con el río Machángara, al oeste con el borde oriental de la meseta de Quito; se encuentra ubicado...
Territorio e identidades recreadas, jóvenes indígenas en Quito :Estudio de caso de los y las estudiantes del Colegio Intercultural Bilingüe “Chaquiñan” Quito 2012
Janeta Pilco, Ana Lucía (Nov-2014) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
The following research was conducted in the Intercultural Bilingual School "Chaquiñán" Quito extension, located in the San Roque in order to know how indigenous youth analyzed and appropriate urban spaces of the city. To do this we used techniques such as: articipante observation, interviews and...
Una mirada al rol femenino en la construcción de la identidad del pueblo Xavante :Caso de La Aldea São Pedro, Estado Mato Grosso, Brasil
Jara Andino, Martha Genoveva (Aug-2014) - [Director: Ochoa Pilco, Daniela Soledad]
This study is the female role in building the identity of the people Xavante, if San Pedro village in the municipality of Campinápolis, Mato Gross or Brazil. This company keeps alive their cultural roots and has been communicating this heritage for generations; women as mothers and permanently...