Propuesta de implementación de herramientas de manufactura esbelta en la empresa Surimax Cia. Ltda dedicada a la fabricación de cajasfuertes para mejorar la productividad

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Title: Propuesta de implementación de herramientas de manufactura esbelta en la empresa Surimax Cia. Ltda dedicada a la fabricación de cajasfuertes para mejorar la productividad
Authors: Guayasamín Guerra, Bryan Mauricio
Llanos Chapi, Laura Jacqueline
Advisor: Lema Ruano , Jorge Sisifrido
Abstract: The current technical project designed an implementation proposal for Lean Manufacturing tools at the company Surimax Cia. Ltda., aiming to improve production levels. To achieve this, an evaluation of the current state of the production processes was carried out by creating a Value Stream Map (VSM). This allowed identifying value-adding and non-value-adding activities, as well as the main wastes present in the operations. Based on these findings, the lean manufacturing tools that best suited the identified wastes were proposed. With this information, an implementation proposal was designed, including 5S, the elimination of non-value-adding activities, workload leveling, the installation of a poka-yoke device, and Kanban cards. Additionally, the content of a procedure for carrying out total productive maintenance of the equipment and machinery in the plant was proposed. Furthermore, specific tasks were assigned to an operator with the aim of optimizing time and reducing unnecessary movements in two processes. The project aimed to provide the company Surimax Cia. Ltda. with an appropriate approach to improve its production system and deliver its products on time to meet customer needs.
Issue Date: 2023
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Grado

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