Buscar por Autor Rivas Navarrete, Patricio Israel
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Comparación de la variabilidad genética de tres regiones de ADN cloroplástico y una nuclear en el Ishpingo (O. quixos) proveniente de 5 provincias de la Amazonía ecuatoriana
Rivas Navarrete, Patricio Israel; Salazar Costa, Paula Elizabeth (may-2017) - [Director: Karolys Gutiérrez, Germania Margarita]
Ocotea quixos (Lam.) Kosterm. (Ishpingo) is a tree that grows in humid tropical forests
of South America (310-1200 msnm). It is used for food and medicine since it possesses
essential oils with antiplatelet, antithrombotic properties, among others.
In Ecuador, the wild populations of Ishpingo...