Browsing by Author Guerrero Toapanta, Priscila Pamela
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Evaluación de la actividad antioxidante bioautográfica de cinco variedades de aceites esenciales andinos (Aristeguietia glutinosa; Myrcianthes rhopaloides; Ambrosia arborescens; Lantana camara; Minthostachys mollis)
Guerrero Toapanta, Priscila Pamela; Pozo Morales, Karla Natalia (Feb-2016) - [Director: Noriega Rivera, Paco Fernando]
This experimental work had the goal of assessing the antioxidant capabilities of five
essential oils: Minthostachys mollis, Aristeguietia glutinosa, Ambrosia arborescens,
Myrcianthes rhopaloides and Lantana camara; all of which were obtained from the
Ecuadorian Andes. This work used the DPPH...