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Diseño de un departamento de comunicación social para la Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros
Bedoya Riofrío, María Gabriela; Salazar Abad, María Lorena (mar-2003) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
La constitución política de la República del Ecuador, en la Sección Décima “de la Comunican”, Art. 81, garantiza al estado y a la ciudadanía el derecho a acceder a fuentes de información, a buscar, recibir, conocer y difundir la información objetiva, veraz, plural. Oportuna y sin censura previa, de...
Diseño de un plan de comunicación integral para una empresa de servicios petroleros
Díaz García, Sonia Carolina (may-2015) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This research addresses the interesting world of organizational communication. To this end, it has worked with oil services company, whose name has not been evidenced by respecting the confidentiality agreement was signed with the institution to perform this study. The research consists of...
Diseño de un plan de comunicación interna para la oficina matriz del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) en Quito
Enríquez Vinueza, Diana Cristina (may-2015) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
Communication is an important element for organizations that properly applied allow healthy flow of information besides supporting compliance management processes, and, because of that, they have a positive impact on the corporate identity and the work climate. Today, with technological...
Diseño de un plan de comunicación para el manejo de grupos vulnerables del grupo clown Ecuador en la Fundación Cecilia Rivadeneira
Bucheli Torres, Gabriel Yesenia; Villota Moreno, Fanny Carolina (may-2015) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This thesis is a proposal of a communication plan for Cecilia Rivadeneira Foundation; nonprofit organization founded in 2004 that aims to benefit thousands of children with cancer in Ecuador. Foundation volunteers are specialized in recreational training, using symbols and body language that...
Diseño de un plan estrategico de comunicación para el Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas.
Christiansen Barberan, Marcia Noemí; Orozco Itacuar, Liliana Amparo (ago-2012) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
En la actualidad, en el Ecuador, existe un amplio gabinete que alberga un gran número de Ministerios y Secretarías, a esto se suman las instituciones públicas dependientes o independientes, que constituyen la burocracia en nuestro país. A lo largo de la historia, la imagen de estas instituciones...
Documental educomunicativo sobre el trabajo infantil de los niños, niñas y adolescentes que forman parte de la ONG “Casa de la Niñez”, ubicada en el centro histórico de Quito.
Salazar Valle, Amelia Belén; Solano Chamba, Víctor Alfonso (abr-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The development of the research is aimed at performing a documentary that achieves educommunicative denature the Child Labour (TI). To observe the different levels of risk to which they are exposed Children and Adolescents (NNA) in situations where IT, and thus make known more fully the social...
El lenguaje corporal y simbología en la danza folklórica. :análisis de caso; grupo de danza folklórica de la UPS
Yépez Navarrete, Katherine Estefanía (dic-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This thesis will address the body language and symbolism of folk dance as a communication tool, based case study group folk dance from the UPS. The study is based on a concept of communication, from the orchestral model, symbolic interactionism and finally the axioms of communication. Taking...
Elaboración y aplicación de estrategias de comunicación para el posicionamiento de la nueva identidad corporativa del Consorcio de Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados Provinciales del Ecuador, CONGOPE
Yépez Landívar, Alondra Carolina (nov-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This project is for the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments of Ecuador, whose business is to represent the GAD's country, strengthening its autonomy, promote decentralization, promoting links with local, national and international actors to strengthen their capacity through the...
Estrategias de comunicación para campaña ecológica de las Cuatro R´s en Diners Club
Hernandez, Camila (mar-2011) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo demostrar la factibilidad de la puesta en marcha de estrategias comunicacionales por medio de un proceso de planificación y reforzadas por un amplio marco teórico que sostiene la propuesta de incluir en el área de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de...
Futbol, ideología y alienación. El caso de las barras bravas en Ecuador, estudio del caso Sociedad Deportivo Quito- Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito.
Montenegro Guayasamín, Andrea Paola; Vela Viteri, María José (oct-2013) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
Soccer is the ―King of Sports‖ meaning many things to many people and gathering thousands of fans. The business is strengthened by people‘s habit of constantly attending to the games as a result of keeping family traditions. All these factors have taken soccer to a whole new ...
“Gestión de la comunicación organizacional en la sección administrativa de un Centro Educativo. Estudio del caso Escuela Particular Mixta Bilingüe Antonio Lorenzo de Lavoisier”
Romero Aguas, Lizbeth Nathaly (oct-2013) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The research comprises three chapters. In the first the concepts and categories of corporate communication processes, elements, networks and typologies described. In the second chapter of detailed diagnosis of the management of organizational communication. In the third chapter of the research has...
Guía informativa y turística sobre los cinco patrimonios de Alausi
Mancero Niama, Esteban Alexis (sep-2013) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
Within the document was a complete collection and theoretical analysis on three basic axes which have governed this final thesis, the terms to which they are referring is, communication, identity and culture. These three sections of study have been worked...
La construcción de políticas y estrategias de comunicación para la conservación de la biodiversidad en el Ecuador
Bueno Cerda, María Belén (nov-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The main objective of this thesis is to develop policies and communication strategies for the care of the environment, to prevent further increasing environmental problems. This campaign was created "Vivamos en Armonía", which has used the technology, and especially the media to disseminate...
La educomunicación en la formación de los jóvenes en base al modelo salesiano (sistema preventivo) a través de la radio escolar en el Colegio Domingo Savio en Haití.
St Surin, Judith (jun-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The educomunicación is a concrete modal of an education for the communication, that is to say that it inserts to the new technologies and media programs to the classrooms, as an alternative instrument that develops the critical and conscious capacity of the students in the process of their...
La Incidencia de la Comunicación y Desarrollo para mejorar la calidad de vida en la parroquia de Cochapamba Sur.
Aguirre Carrión, María Belén (may-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This thesis discusses the importance of communication - development in the parish of Cochapamba South to improve the quality of life among the inhabitants of the community. This research shows the needs of this parish, and as the communication - development within are a fundamental part of social...
La minga interacciones comunicacionales y comunitarias en el desarrollo de la comunidad San Ignacio parroquia Toacaso provincia del Cotopaxi.
Moreta Narváez, Nancy Fernanda (sep-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This research was conducted in the community of San Ignacio Toacaso belonging to the parish, located northwest of Canton Latacunga, in the foothills of "The Ilinizas". With regard to San Ignacio is one of 30 communities Toacaso parish. This community consists of 350 inhabitants with 65 families...
La ruta de la empanada: análisis de los aspectos comunicativos en la práctica de la cocina ecuatoriana tradicional y en la elaboración de la empanada de viento.
Mora Pichucho, Marcela Alexandra (may-2015) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The Ecuadorian culture as the basis of current cultural processes set of intangible way the current worldview; however, globalizing communicative practices whose center is the indispensable use of information technology and communication, as reported in the art of transmedia only, have been...
Lugares e imaginarios sociales de La Plaza Grande del Centro Histórico de Quito
Lincango Moreno, María Raquel (ago-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
The increasing development of the city has allowed the dissemination of imaginary, which now have become as individual situations are experienced in public spaces in cities. This research was an exploratory analysis of the social imaginary and places of the Plaza de la Independencia de Quito,...
Manejo mediático de ECTV y Teleamazonas, durante el tiempo de licencia, en la campaña electoral de Rafael Correa, para el período presidencial 2013
Bilboa Vivas, María Eugenia; Pillajo Palaquinbay, Henry Xavier (sep-2014) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This paper shows how through history the media were osesionando in society as political actors with an influential power, both in thinking and acting, will detail what are the first television media in the country the direct and indirect relationship with economic powers, one for Teleamazonas, the...
Manual de comunicación organizacional, un aporte a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Caso Fundación VASE (Voluntarios para la ayuda social del Ecuador)
Cueva Dávila, María Bernarda (may-2015) - [Director: Ogaz Arce, Leonardo Gabriel]
This final work will result in a handbook of organizational communication for nonprofit organizations. First of all, the paper is covering the different concepts of communication, from the perspective of Paulo Freire in his Dialogic Action Theory; and Jürgen Habermas in his Theory of Communicative...