Buscar por Carrera Maestría Especialización Universitaria en Culturas Juveniles y Contexto Escolar

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Análisis de enfoques pedagógicos en el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de las actividades deportivas extracurriculares del colegio La Condamine ubicado en Quito en el periodo escolar 2014 - 2015
Rivera Molina, María Marisol (abr-2015) - [Director: López Cepeda, Ivonne Elizabeth]
Extracurricular activities are activities that are performed outside of regular school hours. These activities seek to provide young people and teen agers comprehensive education and the time occupation appropriate for training. The formation provides students not only results academics, also the...
Análisis de las estrategias metodológico - didácticas en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA) de primeros de bachillerato de la unidad educativa salesiana "Domingo Savio" en la ciudad de Cayambe durante el primer quimestre del año lectivo 2014 - 2015
Nacimba Ochoa, Gladys Janeth (abr-2015) - [Director: López Cepeda, Ivonne Elizabeth]
The methodological – teaching strategies are an important part of the educational curriculum and they are aimed to influence the process of teaching - learning (PEA). Currently, in educational planning at various educational levels it is include the New Technologies of Information and...
Del estado oprimido al estado empoderado :La aplicación del teatro del oprimido en el centro de acogida temporal Mi caleta
Palacios Cárdenas, Carla Daniela (may-2015) - [Director: Herrera Montero, Luis Alberto]
The problem to be solved in this research has to do with the perception of children about the meaning of being oppressed. Theorizing and experimenting on children living in the streets and the effects it leaves on these children, even with temporary foster homes. This issue is being investigated...
Estudio del uso de redes sociales virtuales (RSV) en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje del área de inglés en el aula de los estudiantes del nivel de bachillerato del colegio técnico Don Bosco de la Kenedy en el año lectivo 2014 - 2015
Flores Jiménez, Yaneth (abr-2015) - [Director: Vásquez Padilla, Pablo Xavier]
New trends Information Technologies and Communication will implement every day in all areas of the human habitat, especially in education, where its application is appropriate and necessary to teach in this new digital era, in which children and youth born with the virtual world of header and fully...
Uso del tiempo libre en los jóvenes del primer año de bachillerato paralelos Bolívar y Sucre, de la unidad educativa Pedro Pablo Borja 1 de la ciudad de Quito, en el año lectivo 2013 - 2014
Manzano Cadena, Segundo Patricio (abr-2015) - [Director: Herrera Montero, Luis Alberto]
In the current era speak of free time and development of young people has become a major concern of society especially for parents and teachers, because in all individuals of the country, more time has are young people aged between 12 and 19 years. This research makes the following problem What...
Violencias escolares entendidas desde las/os jóvenes de bachillerato de un colegio de la ciudad de Quito
Montalvo Navarrete, Tatiana de las Mercedes (jul-2015) - [Director: Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy]
The thesis entitled "Violence understood from school / high school girls from a school in Quito" arises from the need to know how to understand the / young various forms of violence, what representations are and what uses give This work is an approach to young men and women between 16 and 19...