Browsing by Advisor Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Discurso y representaciones sociales de niños y niñas de 10 a 12 con necesidad de protección internacional en la frontera norte del Ecuador 2014
Tingo Proaño, Fausto Alejandro (Apr-2015) - [Director: Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy]
Currently, the border Colombo-Ecuatoriana has converted in a continuous space of otherness; far to be an imaginary line that takes away one state to other. In the last 15 years the Ecuador´s North border has had structure changes in its Culture, Political, Social and Economy; beside, these changes...
Estudio cualitativo de bullying en jóvenes de una institución educativa del distrito metropolitano de Quito
Buenaño Salazar, Karina Elizabeth (Apr-2015) - [Director: Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy]
This thesis purpose is about analyzing the representative bonds of the school violence and
to explore its meaning, causes and consequences in middle education young students
The qualitative investigation takes place in Pomasqui, where can be found migration,
different economic...
La erradicación del trabajo infantil y el respeto a los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, como factores de desarrollo local en la parroquia de Pacto, cantón Quito
Villarreal Moreno, Aida del Pilar (May-2015) - [Director: Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy]
This research focuses on the study and analysis of the work done by children and adolescents in the rural parish of the Covenant, and the impact that work has on the overall development of children and the parish development. Therefore we start with a narrative description of the geographic,...
Violencias escolares entendidas desde las/os jóvenes de bachillerato de un colegio de la ciudad de Quito
Montalvo Navarrete, Tatiana de las Mercedes (Jul-2015) - [Director: Aguilar Rodríguez, William Fredy]
The thesis entitled "Violence understood from school / high school girls from a school in
Quito" arises from the need to know how to understand the / young various forms of
violence, what representations are and what uses give
This work is an approach to young men and women between 16 and 19...