Browsing by Advisor Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Análisis de la facturación eléctronica y sus posibles impactos en la gestión tributaria de las empresas en el Distrito Metroplolitano de Quito
Manitio Guambi, Verónica Cristina; Reyes Cox, Sindy Tatiana (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
Electronic invoicing in Ecuador is a process which is being implemented in a willing form since some years ago, but from 2015 on this system has a compulsory character for certain sectors, generally for companies categorized as Special Taxpayers , the Internal Revenue...
Aplicación de una auditoría para el cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales de la empresa Comfare Comercio Farmacéutico Cía. Ltda. del período 2013
Chuya Gómez, Mireya Elizabeth; Casa Chicaiza, Ana Ximena (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
Through this work is presented a proposal for tax audit in order to assess the tax compliance of COMFARE CIA. LTDA. Period 2013. The main focus was to verify that the information sent to the tax authority corresponds to transactions recorded in the accounts plus these are supported with relevant...
Auditoría de gestión aplicada a entidades controladas por la Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria. Caso: Cooperativa de ahorro y crédito "Iliniza Ltda." período 2013.
Puruncaja Balseca, Alexandra Elizabeth; Ramos Tuza, Viviana Carolina (Feb-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
This research presents an auditing and management methodology for small financial institutions in our country, belonging to popular and solidarity financial area; and its corresponding application to COAC “Iliniza” Ltda. in order to show its feasibility and influence in making decision processes...
Auditoría de gestión Aplicada al departamento financiero de las empresas hormigoneras caso: Hiperhormigones Cía. Ltda.
Burbano Tinoco, Andrea Carolina; Vallejo Pérez, Edwin Darío (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
This thesis presents a model of management auditing applied to the financial department of the companies that produce concrete, with its application to the company Hiperhormigones Cía. Ltda. With the purpose of carrying out an objective and concrete evaluation of the effectiveness of politics,...
Diseño de un sistema de control interno aplicado al área administrativa-contable en la empresa Ecuaválvula S.A., ubicada en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Santander Vásquez, Estefanía Alejandra (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
The company Ecuava lvula SA depends on the production and maintenance of products such as gate valves , hydrants, mechanical joints, accessories and parts in gray iron, so they must have adequate accounting and administrative processes that facilitate design of internal controls. The...
Diseño de un sistema de control interno para las empresas de servicios de restaurantes “Distintivos Q” de la zona de la mariscal del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
Cuaspud Pala, Evelyn Lucía; Yánez Palacios, Diana Carolina (Mar-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
Internal control is a great tool for businesses, this is defined as a process effected by management and other staff of an organization, designed with the objective of providing a reasonable degree of assurance regarding the achievement of objectives, also seeks the effectiveness and efficiency of...
Efectos de implementación de las NIIF'S en la generación de tributos del sector florícola en la provincia de Pichincha :años 2012-2013
Calle Arcos, Jéssica Vanessa; Gallardo Gómez, Diana Carolina (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
The Ecuadorian flowers have been considerate as the best because of its quality and beauty in the last five years, that’s why countries like: USA, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Russia and others import about 90% of different kind of Ecuadorian flowers. Nowadays Ecuador exports flowers approximately...
Elaboración del manual para la implementación del sistema administrativo y financiero de gestión de proyectos del Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas (CIEI) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) sede Quito
Aristizabal Herrera, Christian Adrian; Carrión Montaguano, Janneth Alexandra (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
Project management is the administration tool that its purpose is reaching their goals across of resources planning in certain times. Its good direction is based in the standards and they’re determinate in the PMBOOK because if we stablish definitions and basic standards that contributed to...
Metodología de una auditoría de gestión para la evaluación de los procesos del área de servicios generales de una institución bancaria
Navarrete Mera, Pablo Ramiro (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
This work is based on three chapters, within which we find the following: The First Chapter contains an investigation of key terms that take into account the development of management audit in the Department of General Services Financial Institution being the basis for the development of this...
Metodología para la aplicación de auditoría de control interno en la empresa ANEFI S.A. administradora de fondos y fideicomisos periodo 2013
Herrera Moreira, Ángela Rocío (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
Titling this work shows the development of a methodology for the audit of Internal Control and its respective application to the company Anefi S.A. Administradora de Fondos y Fideicomisos in order to know what the internal control of the company, how it meets its goals, what types of control exist,...
Metodología para la aplicación de la NIA 520 procedimienos analíticos aplicado al sector de la pymes de transporte. Caso Univiast C.A.
Paspuel Enriquez, Mayra Gabriela (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
This thesis was developed in order to design a model for evaluation and financial control specialist transport SMEs based on ISA 520 to improve its management, performance and profitability. Chapter 1 deals with the NIA, NAGA and especially on the ISA 520 is terms of this study, and the importance...
Metodología para la aplicación de una audioría de getión en las empresas administradoras de fondos y fideicomisos caso: Fideval S.A. Administradora de Fondos y Fideicomisos, año 2014
Naranjo Solis, Jefferson Fernando; Chisaguano Pila, Jenny Paola (Apr-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
The development of this work is meant to be a methodological guide for assessing corporate governance and trust fund managers in order to provide basic tools that allow those in charge of internal control of the same or others interested to evaluate, analyze and improve processes such...
Percepción de los efectos económicos, financieros y sociales de la reforma al cálculo del anticipo al impuesto a la renta y la exoneración del anticipo al impuesto a la renta por cinco años para toda inversión nueva, y su real aprovechamiento en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en el sector textil del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito en los años 2011 y 2012.
Collaguazo Troya, Verónica Elizabeth; Guerra Pérez, Diana Elizabeth (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
The Organic Code of Production, Trade and Investment, issued December 29, 2010 shows the creation of a legal framework conducive to productive sector which can enhance national and international investment and provide support to sectors that contribute mainly to change productive matrix of the...
Percepción de los efectos económicos, financieros, sociales del incremento neto de empleados y reinversión de utilidades en activos productivos incentivos tributarios de ley de régimen tributario interno, en las empresas de venta de equipos de comunicación y telefónica, en el distrito Metropolitano de Quito, entre 2011 y 2012
Morales Escobar, Adriana Tamara; Rosero Quishpe, Ana Gabriela (May-2015) - [Director: Guamán Calvopiña, Miguel Marcelo]
The incentives and tax benefits are legal measures that involve a reduction or exemption of tax payable, are support mechanisms that enable new national and foreign investments in the country, encourage the creation of new businesses and growth of the existing, and promote areas of social,...