Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de capacitación y entrenamiento en andinismo dirigido a estudiantes, docentes, personal administrativo y de servicios de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito

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Title: Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un centro de capacitación y entrenamiento en andinismo dirigido a estudiantes, docentes, personal administrativo y de servicios de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, sede Quito
Authors: Ávila Báez, Alexandra Katherine
Albán Álvarez, Teresa Natali
Advisor: Acosta Coba, José Modesto
Abstract: En el presente proyecto se expone un estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un Centro de Capacitación y entrenamiento en Andinismo dirigido a la comunidad educativa de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Quito.
Translated abstract: n the present project it’s expose a feasibility study for the creation of a Training Center and Mountaineering training aimed at the educational community of the Salesian Polytechnic University, Quito headquarters. The project goal is to influence in the Salesians desire to excel and push through the practice of climbing that contributes to integral human development. The thesis is sustained in the market study that aims to identify our target market, the determination of actual demand and supply, in the technical study; it’s taking account variables such as machinery, human talent, technology, location, distribution and plant capacity for each area, also takes the financial study, determining the monetary resources needed to implement the project, is based on the previous studies, in order to obtain the total investment required for the project as well as earnings service of sale
Issue Date: Sep-2013
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Grado

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