Diseño y construcción de un pórtico para ensayos de deformación utilizando pesos hasta 20 kg.

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Title: Diseño y construcción de un pórtico para ensayos de deformación utilizando pesos hasta 20 kg.
Authors: Quintana Rengel, José Miguel
Villacís Sánchez, Luis Fernando
Advisor: Larco Calvache, Enrique Fernando
Abstract: This study includes the physical and mechanical principles of the operation of a model that allows to demonstrate the results of the realised calculations, the porch allows to visualize the state of efforts and/or deformations of the material with which the elements subject to loads are done, without needing resorting to destructive testings. These elements of judgment are valid for the development of the design and construction. The model will be designed to support a maximum weight of 20 kg, as a precise load put under the center of the structure or distributed in strategically important points throughout the beam of the porch, and from it to create reactions, tensions and deformations in the system that will be verifiable by means of the use of the equipment of measurement like extensometric tapes (strain gage) and a deformation indicator that allows the reading of the values in the members of the system of a clear and precise way. In order to initiate the analysis of an armor it is necessary to determine the forces that act in their members and unions, next to the reactions that occur on their supports. This analysis can be done of two ways, first is of manual way, within which it is, the method of the unions or knots and the one of the sections, the second is the computerized form by means of matrices and programs developed like SAP 2000.
Translated abstract: La Universidad Politécnica Salesiana se encuentra implementando varios laboratorios entre ellos se encuentra el laboratorio de resistencia de materiales, el mismo que no cuenta con un pórtico para ensayos estructurales. Al no disponer de un sistema estructural que permita realizar el estudio, análisis y ensayo de deformación en estructuras metálicas se ha considerado la posibilidad de adquirir un pórtico de ensayo, no obstante, debido a que este sistema no existe en el mercado, se hace en el mercado, se hace necesaria la construcción del mismo a fin de que los estudiantes logren beneficiarse al tener más tiempo para observar detalladamente los fenómenos que se presentan el ensayo como por ejemplo la deformación elástica, ya está por atracción o comprensión.
Issue Date: May-2010
URI: https://dspace.ups.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4821
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Grado

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