Integración del patio de 138 kV de la subestación Selva Alegre al sistema SCADA de la EEQ S.A.

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Title: Integración del patio de 138 kV de la subestación Selva Alegre al sistema SCADA de la EEQ S.A.
Authors: Carrera Analuisa, Víctor David
Advisor: Espinosa Gualotuña, Santiago Raúl
Abstract: Actualmente, las empresas encargadas de la distribución de energía eléctrica han sentido la necesidad de optimizar la calidad del servicio incorporando a sus empresas losSistemas Automáticos de Subestaciones (SAS), mismos que poseen el equipamiento, que debe proveer a los operadores ubicados en el Centro de Control y a demás funcionarios de la Empresa Eléctrica Quito (EEQ),de la información suficiente y necesaria para determinar el estado actual de los principales componentes eléctricos del sistema de potencia y brindar la capacidad de realizar la gestión y operaciones en los equipos de potencia de la Subestación Selva Alegre de la Empresa Eléctrica Quito, de una manera confiable, segura y económica.
Translated abstract: The electric Substations, a very important element of the electric systems of potency, because the existent linkage between the transmission of electric power and the delivery are the end users. In the conventional systems of protection, measurement, control and supervision of the substation, the own shows of these systems have been traditionally accomplished by teams and discrete components. The interconnection between the aforementioned teams and the primary systems of high voltage, for his correct functioning, they always have needed a great work of engineering, implementation and setting at call. Considering these background, the Electric Companies I Remove person in charge to generate, to transport and to distribute the electric power, she has implemented of gradual form technological advances in her installations of potency, which are principally focused to the fields of the electric protections, the remote control and premises of the operation and the monitoring of the magnitudes related with the electric systems of potency. At this context, the Substation Selva Alegre belonging to the EEQ, it is automatized with the aim of implementing schemata that be able to realize for if same the basic processes and facing contingencies that present itself in the process of distribution of electric power, for it utilized processes and teams with the vision to integrate various shows and to interact with information-technology systems, with the end that they enable the coordination of a record of his operation which the staff that finds himself in center of control may accomplish the evaluation of the functioning of the system in real time with themselves. The benefit than consider him with automatization and integration of the Substation Selva Alegre to the system the EEQ,SCADA you are very important since a cost-reducing saving represent the company, the transporting processes and distribution of energy will be reestablished in very short times, permitting that our end users receive a service with quality.
Issue Date: Jul-2012
Language: spa
Appears in Collections:Grado

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