Browsing by Author Paspur Veloso, Diana Marisela

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Desarrollo del estudio de impacto ambiental y plan de manejo ambiental para el proyecto de "Encapsulamiento de lodos (ECUPRO-95) de las lubricadoras y lavadoras de las Parroquias: Machachi, Aloag y Aloasí"
Paspur Veloso, Diana Marisela; Rea Vaca, Fausto Fernando (May-2014) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
The environmental pollution is a problem that possesses the majority of cities worldwide, altering the harmony of the nature. The generation of muds, product of the activities of wash and lubricated of cars it is one of the problems that has to be confronted. For this situation the GAD Mejía...