Browsing by Author Latacunga Pastuña, Manuel
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Expectativas profesionales y laborales de jóvenes indígenas de Cotopaxi :Estudios de caso en los colegios intercultural bilingüe “Jatari Unancha” centro Pujilí e instituto tecnológico superior particular “Don Bosco” extensión Zumbahua
Días Cunuhay, José Manuel; Latacunga Pastuña, Manuel (May-2015) - [Director: Herrera Montero, Luis Alberto]
This research meets the objective of identifying the professional and job expectations of indigenous youth in the Intercultural Bilingual schools "Jatari Unancha" Pujilí center, and Private Higher Technological Institute "Don Bosco" Zumbahua extension. In it issues made visible from the...