Buscar por Autor Grefa Yumbo, Dinora Lizbeth
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Proyecto de factibilidad para la agro industrialización artesanal de café robusta que produce la organización Kichwa Kallari Kawsay - 24 de mayo - cantón Loreto de la provincia de Orellana.
Grefa Yumbo, Dinora Lizbeth (abr-2014) - [Director: Monteros Barragán, Myriam Isabel]
The Antisuyo Ally Kapya Cía. Ltd. Company means " Good Amazon Coffee " it will be dedicated to the agro industrial craft of robusta coffee, which is produced by the Kichwa Kallari Kawsay organization - May 24, which includes several families involved in the planting, tending and harvesting, they...