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X International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society. Proceedings Papers
Cevallos-Robalino, Lenin E.; Cárdenas-Tapia, Juan Alcides; Patiño-Vásquez, Daniel; Llerena-Izquierdo, Joe; Bonifáz Játiva, Pamela Annabell; Rubio Zurita, Tatiana Nicole; Pacheco Flores de Valgaz, Angela Vanessa; Espinoza Lozano, Rodrigo Fernando; Vera Chang, Jaime Fabián; Vásquez Cortez, Luis Humberto; Jumbo Tejena, María Fernanda; Radice, Matteo; Usiña, Gabriel; Leiva-González, Cristian; Pilataxi, Erika; Quitiaquez, William; Comina, Mayra; Verdugo, Alexandra; Comina, Jorge; Verdugo, Walter; Simbaña, Isaac; Saquinga, David; Vaca, Xavier; Torres, Maribel; Quitiaquez, Patricio; Ballesteros Lara, Jose Luis; Cedeño Vinces, Kevin Gabriel; Chong Hermenegildo, Emily Carolina; Caraguay Carchi, Nayeli Sofia; Salazar, Ricardo; Carvajal, Jairo Jaime; Naranjo-Moran, Jaime; Macías, Marco; Ramírez, Leonidas; Rodríguez Cevallos, Sanyi Lorena; De La Cruz Mora, María Alejandra (12-dic-2024)
The Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation for Society (CITIS 2024) capture the transformative discussions and innovative knowledge that drive progress in scientific and technological fields. From the urgent challenges of environmental sustainability...