Buscar por Autor Cansignia Alcocer, Mónica Patricia
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Factores psicosociales que inciden en el proceso de apropiación del espacio público sobre la construcción de ciudadanía en niñas, niños y adolescentes del programa “Cuéntamelo todo Quito” de Fe y Alegría en El Boulevard 24 de Mayo
Cansignia Alcocer, Mónica Patricia; Jiménez Guerra, Henry Andrés (sep-2014) - [Director: Rodríguez Mancilla, Héctor Marcelo]
The convention of the United Nations and the Ecuadorian State acknowledged to children and adolescents
as subjects of rights. This recognition leads us apensar them as citizens of this they can exercise and decide; therefore, achieve social participation in all matters that concern them. From this...