Browsing by Author Benavides Limaico, Mireya Fernanda
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Plan de turismo comunitario de la Casa de Hospedaje Mushuk Kawsay parroquia Angochagua-cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura
Benavides Limaico, Mireya Fernanda; Guamani Simbaña, Diana Carolina (May-2015) - [Director: Cevallos Moscoso, Gilma Beatriz]
This project is focused on the elaboration of a Community Plan of Tourism, located in the Parish of Angochagua - Canton Ibarra - Province of Imbabura, it will serve to promote tourism in the community of Zuleta, this will be teaming with "Casa de Hospedaje MUSHUK KAWSAY", in order to achieve new...