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Libro fotográfico sobre la representación del ritual del Inti Raymi, desde las prácticas indígen y mestizas de Cayambe
Soria Luna, Iralda Vanessa (sep-2016) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
Ecuador has a lot of rituals that show its cultural richness. One of the most popular traditions is the Inti Raymi, Inca millennial celebration where the main objective is tanks to the Sun (Inti Taita), heat and light provided to crops. This festival is celebrated in Cayambe hundreds of years...
Libro fotográfico sobre las mujeres cajoneras, betuneros y músicos, como actores sociales del Centro Histórico de Quito.
Montaluisa Álvarez, David Efraín (sep-2017) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
The Quito Historic Center keeps, aside from its heritage buildings, life stories of characters that make this place part of their daily life, since they have been working in this space for some years. This work portrays through a photographic book a small part of the value of the life of these...
La representación social como categoría del análisis de identidades artísticas callejeras en el Centro Histórico de Quito
Espín Moreno, Vanessa Cristina (ago-2020) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
La finalidad del presente estudio es identificar cómo las representaciones sociales de los artistas callejeros construyen una identidad cultural hacia los espectadores en el espacio del Centro Histórico de Quito. Entendiendo que este espacio, guarda una enorme herencia histórica, y que a través de...
Revista La bicicleta como medio de transporte urbano
Vallecilla Mosquera, Jorge Alberto (mar-2017) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
The constant urban growth, demographic growth and the expansion of the city of Quito have generated the massification of transport causing saturation of mobility, which has generated the search for alternatives to be transported in an ecological way. One of the formulas that give answer is to...
Revista Pop Up ilustrada sobre los personajes de las festividades de Quito.
Gallegos Medina, Jofre Alexander; Troya Valdivieso, Ginna Gioconda (abr-2016) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
The development of the Pictorial with Pop Up technique on the characters of the festivities of Quito, is a visual media that responds to a social need aimed at young people, educators, artists, publishers and others. Who may rely on this material as a resource, recreational, educational...
Revista sobre el desarrollo local del cantón Puerto Quito
Eras Ibarra, Tania Alexandra (mar-2017) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
While diverse communities have achieved great development by improving their internal actions on the environment, there are few societies which are still limited by their old ways of thinking; however these do not fit in the current world. Public institutions together with their workers must...
Uso de fotografías por adolescentes para la construcción de identidad digital en instagram
Soria Rojas, Joselyne Andrea (feb-2023) - [Director: Moya Recalde, Daniela Belén]
La comunicación del siglo XXI ha colocado a los adolescentes en un vaivén de atractivas posibilidades para el uso de tecnologías digitales, lo que les brinda la posibilidad de interactuar con otros por medio de una interfaz en donde prima la imagen y que a su vez, posibilita la construcción de una...