Browsing by Advisor Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Análisis de los efectos en la aplicación de la Nic 12 sobre los tributos del sector comercial al por mayor en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
Robles Elbay, Evelyn Alexandra; Yánez Santana, María Fernanda (Oct-2014) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
The commercial sector refers to enterprises engaged in the purchase, sale and distribution of products. Speaking of wholesale trade it is said to be one trade that handles large volumes of purchases or sales, to such trade it is also known as wholesale. The objective of IAS 12 is to prescribe the...
Análisis de los efectos en la aplicación de la Nic 12 sobre los tributos del sector industrial en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Buenaño Chiriboga, Cristian Ernesto; Gavilánez Mera, Mayra Alejandra (Dec-2014) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
In this paper titling the international accounting standard IAS 12 which establishes the tax treatment of current and deferred income, determination of temporary differences, and the legal and tax regulations applicable in the country it is analyzed.
Diseño de un sistema de gestión administrativo, financiero, contable para Nov Downhole del Ecuador Cía. Ltda. filial de la red mundial National Oilwell Varco
Taco Saltos, Lida Isabel (May-2015) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
This paper focuses on the design of a System of Administrative, Financial and Accounting Management for NOV Downhole of Ecuador Cia. Ltd. Subsidiary of the World Network National Oilwell Varco.; Prioritizing the processing of financial information from interactions between organizational...
La contabilidad ambiental y el impacto financiero de los costos ambientales para el desarrollo sostenible de la empresa multinacional de la industria de bebidas Coca Cola Company en el Ecuador
Castro Saavedra, Diego Gabriel; Ehmig Dillon, Gunther Pablo (Sep-2014) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
The present study aims to analyse the environmental accounting and the financial impact of the environmental costs for sustainable development of a multinational corporation within the beverage company such as Coca Cola Company in Ecuador. Since 2010, Coca Cola Company in Ecuador performs business...
Metodología para la prestación de sevicios financieros a través de una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, enfocado en la economía social y solidaria de la parroquia Tambillo perteneciente al cantón Mejía
Franco Bustos, Juan Carlos; López Hurtado, Maritza Geovanna (Apr-2014) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
Our project is focused on creating a Cooperative Savings and Credit which benefits the Tambillo Parish, belonging to the Canton Mejía where their main sources of income are agriculture, livestock and micro, where we have proposed an alternative development through of financial intermediation, which...
Propuesta de una metodología de control interno para prevenir y mitigar los riesgos y efectos ambientales en el sector de la construcción civil - vial en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito :Caso: Empresa JOP Ingeniería Maestra S.A.
Ruíz Paucarina, Mayeli Carolina (Jan-2015) - [Director: Loor Gómez, Jenny Aracely]
This paper proposes a methodology of internal control to prevent and mitigate risks and environmental impacts of road civil construction sector in the Metropolitan District of Quito, case JOP Engineering Master SA Company, for which an initial study was conducted on the internal control, its...