Buscar por Director Berrazueta Andrade, Hugo Bolívar
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Diseño de un manual de funciones y selección de personal por competencias para la compañía nacional de gas "CONGAS C.A.", ubicada en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Medina Unamucho, Verónica Alexandra; Mestanza Cumba, Angélica Janeth (oct-2010) - [Director: Berrazueta Andrade, Hugo Bolívar]
It allowed designing a User charges for the National Gas Company "Congas CA", in order to provide them with technical and practical pattern that allows recruit, select and hire the personnel required to competencies desired by the company.
Plan estratégico para potenciar y consolidar las habilidades de gestión microempresarial en la provincia de Pichincha
Garcés Ramos, Víctor Hugo; Gavilanes Barrazueta, Catalina del Rocío (ene-2007) - [Director: Berrazueta Andrade, Hugo Bolívar]
Knowing the conditions under which currently microenterprise it operates in the Province of Pichincha, by applying a survey of a representative sample of the microenterprise sector, to obtain data consistent with reality and thus be more accurate in the study and feasibility of our proposal.