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Texto de estudio del idioma Kichwa para los niños de 2do, 3ro, 4to, 5to año de educación básica de las escuelas bilingües Domingo Faustino Sarmiento parroquia San Juan de Iluman cantón Otavalo y Bernardino Echeverría comunidad de Perafan parroquia de Imantag cantón Cotacachi provincia de Imbabura.
Cacuango Morán, María Juana; Menacho Menacho, Luz María; Santillán Moreta, Paulina Alexandra; Segovia Picuasi, Blanca Yolanda (ene-2012) - [Director: Raygoza Ibarra, Patricia Elizabeth]
Ecuador is a country made ​​up of different nationalities each with its respective language and educational change, according to their geographical environment. Indigenous peoples have been characterized by the relationship and bond with the culture as it is embodied in knowledge, traditions and...
Texto guía de cuentos y leyendas ancestrales de Imbabura en español y kichwa para el área de lengua y literatura de los niños de 6to. año de educación básica de la Escuela Benito Juárez
Chávez Moreno, Fanny Yolanda; Limaico Ibadango, Amparo Elizabeth (may-2013) - [Director: Raygoza Ibarra, Patricia Elizabeth]
This product is directed to the educational ones with a wide suppuration spirit that you/they look for new learning’s in the educational development of its students, it is based on the new effective curricular reformation in our country and other techniques and advisable methods to continue. It...