Implicaciones sociales y estéticas de la nueva canción latinoamericana: un enfoque desde la crítica del juicio de Emmanuel Kant

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dc.contributor.advisorBolaños Vivas, Robert Fernando-
dc.contributor.authorTipán Pérez, Darío Rubén-
dc.descriptionThis article consists of three parts. The first explains the rise of, and the concept of, the New Latin American Song from the historical and social conditions that influenced life in the countries of the continent. The second part directly relates the meaning of the New Song's content to several categories of the critique of the faculty of judgment by the philosopher Emmanuel Kant. And the third part of the article highlights the social reality of the New Song's content that contributes to a critical way of thinking beginning with an aesthetic experience as a universal intersubjective element that produces sensitivity, artistic language, and historical consciousness.-
dc.description.abstractEl artículo consta de tres partes. La primera parte explica el surgimiento y el concepto de la nueva canción latinoamericana desde las condiciones históricas y sociales que influyeron en la vida de los países del continente. La parte segunda relaciona directamente el sentido del contenido de la nueva canción con algunas categorías de la crítica de la facultad de juzgar del filósofo Emmanuel Kant. Y la tercera parte resalta la realidad social del contenido de la nueva canción que aporta a un pensamiento crítico desde la experiencia estética como elemento universal intersubjetivo generador de sensibilidad, lenguaje artístico y conciencia histórica.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis article consists of three parts. The first explains the rise of, and the concept of, the New Latin American Song from the historical and social conditions that influenced life in the countries of the continent. The second part directly relates the meaning of the New Song's content to several categories of the critique of the faculty of judgment by the philosopher Emmanuel Kant. And the third part of the article highlights the social reality of the New Song's content that contributes to a critical way of thinking beginning with an aesthetic experience as a universal intersubjective element that produces sensitivity, artistic language, and historical consciousness.en_US
dc.titleImplicaciones sociales y estéticas de la nueva canción latinoamericana: un enfoque desde la crítica del juicio de Emmanuel Kanten_US
ups.carreraFilosofía y Pedagogía-
ups.sedeSede Quito-
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