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Diseño e implementación de una red óptica pasiva (PON) a 10 GBAUD/S empleando PAM4 con pre-compensación.
Flores Pulupa, Gladys Janneth; Villavicencio Tenelema, Marco Fernando (ene-2019) - [Director: Arévalo Bermeo, Germán Vicente]
En el siguiente artículo se realiza un análisis comparativo del desempeño de un sistema de comunicación óptico con modulación PAM-4 sin y con pre-compensación. Esto se llevó a cabo sobre una red óptica pasiva (passive optical network - PON) mediante dos escenarios que son la implementación de la...
Estudio comparativo de diferentes esquemas de modulación digital con codificación diferencial y Fec en Pon.
Abril Camacho, Daniel Alejandro; Briceño Álvarez, Jonathan Fabricio (jul-2018) - [Director: Arévalo Bermeo, Germán Vicente]
In this paper se compare the performance of a 12Gb/s transmission in a PON using different types of digital modulations with FEC (Forward Enhanced Control) and differential codification. In order to define an optimal modulation scheme for this PON, some comparisons were made between 16QAM (16-level...
Estudio comparativo del desempeño de tres tipos de controladores para el Péndulo Invertido Furuta.
Salazar Andrade, Andrés Eduardo (jul-2018) - [Director: Sotomayor Reinoso, Luisa Fernanda]
As the Furuta inverted pendulum is a complex, non-linear and unstable system of industrial electronics, the study and analysis of its behavior is made transcendent when different control techniques are applied to stabilize it. In order to apply the controllers, the Furuta pendulum is built, whose...
Implementación y caracterización de un prototipo de sistema de transmisión coherente en redes ópticas pasivas.
Lagos Jácome, Laura Evelyn; Salcedo Sotelo, Cristhian Alexis (jul-2018) - [Director: Arévalo Bermeo, Germán Vicente]
The following article presents the development of a coherent transmission system prototype, whose purpose was to characterize and measure the system’s performance by sending data with DPSK modulation. This took place over a passive optical network (passive optical network - PON) in real-time, using...
Propuesta de rediseño de la red de datos del gad de Rioverde, provincia de Esmeraldas, bajo la metodología Ppdioo y el diseño Top-Down.
Carrera Santana, Lizeth Nataly (jul-2018) - [Director: López Logacho, Jorge Enrique]
This project has as an objective to represent the knowledges obtained along my career, proposing the redesign of the data network of the Rio Verde’s municipality canton of the Esmeraldas’s province that will allow to save information and the informatics resources against possible thefts or...