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Sistematización del programa para potencializar el razonamiento matemático a nivel concreto y funcional, de los estudiantes con Síndrome De Down de la Corporación Educativa Síndrome De Down Andrés Albuja (CESDAA), de octubre 2015 a marzo 2016
González Orquera, María Victoria (jun-2016) - [Director: Argüello Aguilar, Myriam Elena]
This systematization of the program to enhance the mathematical reasoning at a concrete and functional level, for students with Down's syndrome of CESDAA, was executed from October 2015 to March 2016 in a facility located to the North of Quito which currently has students from 11 years old;...
Talleres sobre técnicas logopedicas aplicadas en casa, dirigido a padres de familia de niños de 3 a 5 años con dislalias, del Centro de Rehabilitación Física Therakinne, a realizarse entre el mes de abril y junio del 2017
Santamaría Guerra, Verónica Alexandra (ago-2017) - [Director: Argüello Aguilar, Myriam Elena]
The project is a systematization of workshops on logopedic techniques that was aimed at children’s parents from 3 to 5 years old with dyslalia, from the “Therakinne Physical Rehabilitation Center”, with the mail objective of training parents to stimulate the language of their children. The...