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Análisis del discurso sobre los procesos de envejecimiento, con el grupo de adultos mayores cultura dorada, de la Casa de las Artes, ubicada en la Calle La Ronda
Albán Moya, Andrea Verónica; Cevallos Bermeo, Marcelo Alejandro; Villalva Torres, María José (abr-2014) - [Director: Rodríguez Mancilla, Héctor Marcelo]
The speech has the quality to express individual and social conditions; this speech constructs symbols in any ambit that is being used. Its importantance for the analysis to understand how they are constructed meanings related to old age, therefore, the investigation done with older people, that...
El envejecimiento desde los adultos mayores. Narrativas y relatos de vida :El caso del programa 60 y Piquito en la administración Manuela Sáenz
Oleas Sánchez, María Fernanda (may-2015) - [Director: Chiriboga Salvador, Bolívar Eduardo]
The aim of this research is to better understand what entails old age from the perspective of senior adults themselves. Working with a group of subjects that attended the program “60 y piquito”, this research paper explores their experiences of this stage of their lives. The research was carried...
Estudio de la calidad de vida del grupo de los adultos mayores del barrio de San Vicente de Yaruquí en el período mayo 2015-agosto 2015
Gómez Vicuña, Evita Rosario (abr-2016) - [Director: Heredia Calderón, Elsye Dalila de las Mercedes]
The aim of this study was to establish, with a multidimensional approach, the state of the quality of life of elderly persons (age>= 60 years), who live in the rural parish of Yaruquí (Pichincha, Ecuador). From May to August, 2015 they were applied by direct interview two questionnaires:...
Estudio de la condición afectiva que presentan los integrantes del grupo de adultos mayores del barrio San Vicente de la parroquia de Yaruquí en el periodo mayo-agosto del año 2015
Vásconez Clavijo, Michele Soledad (abr-2016) - [Director: Heredia Calderón, Elsye Dalila de las Mercedes]
In the current research it was determined the emotional condition of people belonging to the group of older adults in the neighborhood San Vicente Parish Yaruquí. To achieve it, different reagents were used to evaluate the level of loss, loneliness, depression and anxiety. From the data...
La incidencia del abandono familiar en el proceso de deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores institucionalizados de la residencia Santa Catalina Labouré
Guevara Santillán, Tatiana Maritza; Yépez Serrano, María Daniela (dic-2014) - [Director: Paladines Jaramillo, Manuel Fernando]
This research Project is founded in the evaluation of the levels and types of familiar abandonment of senior citizens admitted into a social protection institution, in order to identify possible causes of cognitive deterioration. The importance of this research lies in that effectively identifying...
Propuesta de intervención para fomentar el envejecimiento activo con el grupo de adultos mayores de la “Fundación Tierra Nueva”
Ojeda Torres, Edwin Francisco (jul-2016) - [Director: Heredia Calderón, Elsye Dalila de las Mercedes]
This research synthesizes the Proposal of Intervention to Promote the Active Aging with a Group of Elderly People at “Tierra Nueva Foundation” that was developed between May and August in 2015. This intervention was carried out through a workshop process in which there was an active and...