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Determinación de las curvas de absorción de agua en diferentes cadenas de hidratación y su influencia en la duración de vida en florero, de la variedad de rosa sexy red en la empresa Floreloy S.A.
Cañizares Cisneros, Mónica Alexandra (jul-2008) - [Director: Espinoza Gavilánez, Rosita Graciela]
During the period December 2007 to July 2008 were carried out the investigation to determine the curves of water absorption in different hydrate periods and their influence in the duration of life in vase, of the variety of rose Sexy red in the Company Floreloy S.A, located in the county of...
Evaluación del comportamiento de tres variedades de rosas (Rosa sp.) a diferentes niveles de deshidratación en el proceso de tinturado del botón, Pedro Moncayo- Ecuador 2012
Farinios Peñafiel, Edison Rommel (sep-2012) - [Director: Espinoza Gavilánez, Rosita Graciela]
The study entitled "Evaluation of the behavior of three varieties of roses (Rosa sp.) at various levels of dehydration in the process of dyeing the pink button, Pedro Moncayo - Ecuador 2012.” has been done in a suitable room located in Tabacundo parish, Pedro Moncayo Canton, Pichincha Province....