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Análisis comunicacional de los símbolos y signos ancestrales en la producción artesanal quiteña.
Vinueza Moscoso, Gissela del Rocio (ago-2016) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
The expressions of human beings throughout history are present in the development of everyday life, in which communication processes are involved, where interact symbols and signs that reproduce or revitalize the cultural memory of society, so that, the main objective of this research seeks...
Comunicación comunitaria y gestión local con los jóvenes de la parroquia de Cotagchoa, para fortalecer la participación en proyectos culturales.
Almeida Gordón, Zaida Verónica; Vaca Arias, Carla Katherine (2004) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
En nuestra sociedad los gobiernos nacionales, regionales, provinciales, locales, ejercen sus maneras de gobernar y dirigen el desarrollo, el futuro de los pueblos, manteniendo la idea de desarrollo sobre conceptos de tecnología, limitándose a aumentar el nivel de consumo y dependencia hacia...
Construcción de principios de realidad y producción de sentidos a partir de los realitys shows combate y calle 7
Abril Estévez, Cristhian Javier (ene-2018) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
The present article is structured based on phenomenological and communicational principles. In this way, the reality shows “Combate” and “Calle 7” were subjected to a communicational analysis in order to later develop an audience study based on workshops with people from the municipality of...
Estrategias comunicativas del Movimiento Alianza País en el Ecuador 2008 - 2011
Ruiz Velásquez, Marco Xavier (nov-2013) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
The Communication is the process by which human interaction becomes possible. It´s broad impact on human life makes possible the cultural, social and human manifestation, and the way human being relates to the universe and it´s environment. Communication has a ...
La Comunicación como una dimensión de la Ecosofía, una reflexión desde la Agricultura Urbanaestudio de caso barrio Quillayacta
Herrera Quito, Pamela Isabel (jul-2017) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
Modernity marks a transcendent context, as of this moment is generated anthropocentrism and the desacralization of human beings and nature, therefore, the proposal carried out from the communication as a dimension of the Ecosophy, is born as a necessary and vital proposition to be human, the same...
La comunicación intercultural desde los pueblos indígenas
Maliza Espín, Segundo Juan José; Moreta Masabalin, José Elías (nov-2013) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
Intercultural communication in our country is crossed by the economic interests of the owners of the mass media and ideological nuances of their bearers . The base must be built on laque dialogue and intercultural communication among peoples. Intercultural communication is social interaction space...
Los sentidos y las representaciones de la práctica de lo comunitario en las juntas de agua para consumo humano en la provincia de Santa Elena: El caso Manglar Aalto
Rivadeneira Núñez, Guadalupe (nov-2013) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
Researching that of the community initiates with a syncretic consideration of the being, which implies understanding the underlying logic of the mixture. This inquiry has been made possible only through a conjunction between Andean theory and Western theory, a conjunction that insists on attending...
Otredades en el discurso fotográfico de autores contemporáneos.
Betancourth Moscoso, William Gustavo (abr-2016) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
This paper proposesthrough convergence between semiotics and hermeneutics, the basic guidelines for the creation of a complex analytical model in order to interpret the photographical system considered as a communicative –multidimensional phenomenon among other ledges–, applied to the...
Recursos Simbólicos para la Revitalización de la Identidad Cultural de la Parroquia Santa Rosa, Cantón Ambato.
Escobar Santacruz, Andrea Estefanía (mar-2017) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
The present academic article has as main objective to find out which are the symbolic resources that affect in the cultural identity of the Santa Rosa Parish through the historical and collective memory. Among the contributions of the study are, in the first place, the alert about the...
Redes sociales, comunicación y poder
Caicedo Chiriboga, Xiomara Alejandra (mar-2017) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
In this article the incidence of Crudo Ecuador in the social network Facebook is exposed; Part of the analysis of conjunctural events that occurred from publications type memes, arisen from Fanpage of Crudo Ecuador. The social impact of this page in the political life of the country, comes to...
Sacralidad del cuerpo en la danza contemporánea una reflexión hermenéutica.
Chávez Chaquinga, José Eduardo (mar-2019) - [Director: Villegas Bayas, Luis Fernando]
Este ensayo fotográfico pretende realizar una reflexión sobre el cuerpo en la danza contemporánea, desde la hermenéutica diatópica planteada principalmente por Raymon Panikar y otros autores afines, para lograr tener un conocimiento más amplio respecto al tema planteado y así entender al cuerpo...