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Cálculo de la absorción de carbono por ecuaciones alométricas y determinación del factor de equilibrio entre emisión y absorción de carbono en los 11 sumideros del D.M. de Quito
Andrade Calva, Francesca Nathaly; Arias Perugachi, Jonathan Paúl (jun-2016) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
In this project, the amount of absorbed carbon (carbon stock until year 2015) of 11 sinks located through Quito Metropolitan District (DMQ) was measured. Furthermore, factor of balance between absorption and emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the city was calculated. With the aim of know the...
Desarrollo del estudio de impacto ambiental y plan de manejo ambiental para el proyecto de "Encapsulamiento de lodos (ECUPRO-95) de las lubricadoras y lavadoras de las Parroquias: Machachi, Aloag y Aloasí"
Paspur Veloso, Diana Marisela; Rea Vaca, Fausto Fernando (may-2014) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
The environmental pollution is a problem that possesses the majority of cities worldwide, altering the harmony of the nature. The generation of muds, product of the activities of wash and lubricated of cars it is one of the problems that has to be confronted. For this situation the GAD Mejía...
Determinación de la huella de carbono en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Sede Quito, Campus Sur.
Dávila Collaguazo, Fernando Jonathan; Varela Rosario, Daniel Santiago (mar-2014) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
In this research it was determined the carbon footprint of the Salesian University, Quito headquarters, south campus; the value obtained for the year 2012 was 873.88 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The methodology used is the "Protocol greenhouse gas" that provides the calculation of three...
Determinación de la huella de carbono para bloques de balsa de madera en la empresa Gibago Cía. Ltda., Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
Chamorro Avilés, César Eduardo; Romero Freire, Angel Enrique (feb-2015) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
The following research work, allowed to determine the carbon footprint product of GIBAGO CÍA LTDA., whose value was 42795 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per block of balsa for the year 2013. Was applied the GHG Protocol as methodology which establishes three scopes, for determination of tons...
Determinación del área, georreferenciación y elaboración de un inventario forestal en los 11 sumideros del D.M. de Quito
Cumbagin Torres, Jorge Xavier; Mejía Buitrón, Henry Paúl (jun-2016) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
The present study aims at developing a forest inventory of 11 sinks the Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, they found sectorally located at: north, center, south and east; orthophotos are generated from georeferenced images taken with a phantom Drone 3 Professional, which define the location of the...
Diseño de la red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire en el cantón Mejía.
Guayasamín Pilco, Luis Antonio (feb-2018) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
This study presents a methodology for the design of an air quality monitoring system, composed of a monitoring network in urban areas affected by the emission of mobile and fixed sources in the canton Mejía. As a result, a guide was obtained to select the sites where the samplers will be...
Estudio del impacto ambiental de los procesos de las industrias clasificadas por el CIIU ( Categorización Internacional Industrial Uniforme) ubicadas en las parroquias Machachi y Aloag pertenecientes al cantón Mejía
Herrera Quito, Katherine Janneth; Rocha Saldaña, María Belén (mar-2015) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
Since million years ago, mankind has tried to survive on the planet, doing different activities to satisfy their necessities such as: hunting, fishing, gathering food, etc. These needs expanded to produce an excessive consumption of natural resources and the increase in the number of processes in...
Medición de la huella de carbono y obtención de una metodología de cálculo para absorción de carbono en los 11 sumideros de D.M. de Quito
Albiño Cargua, José Iván; Vargas Ramírez, Brenda Carola (jun-2016) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
The principal aim of this investigation is to obtain a methodology of calculation for the absorption of carbon in 11 sinks of the DMQ, hereinafter DMQ. The study proposes the obtaining of a not destructive methodology to evaluate the absorption of carbon, this information together with the carbon...
Proyecto de creación de un gestor ambiental para el transporte, almacenamiento, tratamiento (Ecupro-95) y dispocición final de los lodos contaminados generados en lavadoras y lubricadoras del cantón Rumiñahui.
Abril Mena, Vanessa Fernanda; Mejía Cisneros, Carolina Alexandra; Rojas Grijalva, Jocelin Dolores (abr-2015) - [Director: Vilches Moreno, Richard Jachson]
Environmental pollution is a problem that plagues most of the cities around the world, that is why nowadays this issue is taken with very important and effective solutions to offset the disadvantages and evils caused by it. In the canton Rumiñahui there is a deficiency of skilled managers to...