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"Diseño de un modelo de gestión para el desarrollo organizacional de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "18 de Noviembre" ubicada en la ciudad de Quito (período 2011-2016)".
Taimal Morocho, Viviana Jacqueline; Vásquez Clavijo, María Eugenia (ene-2013) - [Director: López Barrionuevo, Rómulo Alberto]
After the research study conducted an analysis of organizational development theories and management models was conducted to define the most appropriate model to the activities developed by the Cooperative. The General Systems Theory and specifically whether the systemic model is right for...
Estructuración de un sistema de fortalecimiento educativo en nivel de educación básica para sectores sociales con problemas de aprendizaje
Guerra Castro, Lorena del Rocío (may-2009) - [Director: López Barrionuevo, Rómulo Alberto]
This research consists of six chapters which show the structure of a system to improve education for children with social problems of learning and also serve as a basis for adequate education management Education Center CEDAP, which does not have with no educational system to help you identify...
Impacto socio-económico del crédito en los microempresarios del sector el turismo, calles Colombia y Venezuela, de la ciudad de Sangolquí, Cantón Rumiñahui, en el año 2013
Cahuasquí Molina, Erika Priscila; Rosero Jaramillo, Diego Mauricio (oct-2014) - [Director: López Barrionuevo, Rómulo Alberto]
The study was conducted in the tourism sector, Colombia and Venezuela streets, city Sangolquí, Canton Rumiñahui in 2013, where a survey is conducted to determine the "Impact socio - economic micro credit sector in the Tourism, Colombia and Venezuela streets of the city of Sangolqui, canton...
Proyecto para la confección y comercialización de chaquetas de cuero para mujer, bajo la modalidad de closet, en el Cantón Quito, en la Provincia de Pichincha.
Heredia Chicaiza, Edith Fernanda (mar-2013) - [Director: López Barrionuevo, Rómulo Alberto]
The feasibility study is an investigation into the framework of factors affecting the project as well as the legal aspects affecting it. Likewise, should investigate the different techniques (if any) to produce the good or service under study and the possibilities of adapting to the culture of the...