Buscar por Autor Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal

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Ampliación del sistema de agua potable para los barrios occidentales de Aloasí.
Guale Llumiquinga, Edwin Patricio; Merizalde Caicedo, Leonardo Rafael; Vintimilla Mora, Cristian Trajano (oct-2005) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The Board of Trustees for Drinking Water of the Western Neighborhoods in Aloasí in April 1987 is an autonomous legal entity that operates and maintains the potable water system. For the supply it captures water from the slopes located in the skirts East of the Cerro el Corazón (streams: La...
Diseño de los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable para los barrios: Anita Lucía y Novilleros de la Parroquia de Aloasí, Cantón Mejía.
Bohórquez Barba, Carlos Alexandro (feb-2013) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
When designing drinking water supply systems for neighborhoods:   Anita Lucia and Novilleros of the parish of Aloasí, is intended to improve the quality of life   of the residents of the aforementioned neighborhoods, considering that there is currently no   physical infrastructure that allows to...
Diseño y estudios definitivos de alcantarillado pluvial y sanitario de barrios orientales del cantón Sucúa
Amores Calle, Miguel Javier (nov-2009) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The Illustrious Municipality of Sucúa, concerned about the drawbacks presented by the lack of basic infrastructure in the peripheral neighborhoods of the canton, especially sanitary and rainwater sewerage in the eastern sector, has been interested in solving this major problem facing their...
Dotación de un sistema de alcantarillado para la Comunidad Río Arriba
Baquero Mora, David Alberto; Cevallos Puma, Henry Daniel (feb-2016) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The technical project “Provision of a sewerage system for the river up community” It will improve the living conditions for the people living in the area, since currently there is not a sanitary sewer system or storm sewer system available, so the habitants use septic tanks. The septic tanks are...
Estudio de factibilidad y diseño definitivo del sistema de agua potable para la tercera etapa del barrio Santo Domingo de Cutuglahua.
Lalangui Balarezo, Norman Evelio (feb-2006) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The development of this thesis takes into account all the steps and basic elements for the design in the feasibility stage of a potable water system for a rural sector. The design is divided into five stages: collection, conduction, treatment, storage, distribution.
Evaluación del sistema de agua potable de la parroquia Nanegal.
Changoluisa Moreno, Alexandra Elizabeth; Cajamarca Quishpe, Kleber Geovanni (abr-2015) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The project contains a description detailed of the studies and redesign realized, to improve the system of drinkable water, of the parroquia Nanegal, situated in the cantón Quito. Province of Pichincha. It realized a census to the population beneficiary, the cadastral lifting of the existent...
Optimización del sistema de agua potable de la comunidad Chinchiloma de la parroquia Tupigachi, cantón Pedro Moncayo, provincia de Pichincha
Amagua Pillajo, Jacqueline Alexandra; Suárez Santiana, Freddy Orlando (may-2015) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The present project was carried out in the format SEMPLADES; it consists on optimizing the system of drinkable water of the community Chinchiloma of the parish Tupigachi of the county of Pichincha. With this end it was carried out the rising of necessary information of the area: Cartography,...
Optimización y ampliación del sistema de alcantarillado para la Parroquia de San Simón, Cantón Guaranda, Provincia de Bolivar
Rodríguez Elizalde, César Iván (dic-2012) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
It presents two design alternatives for the sewage system: the first one consists in the design of the sanitary sewer system with the use of concrete pipes, adding to this the design of the primary treatment plants (imhoff tanks) in the unloading areas ; the second consists of the design of the...
Plan maestro de alcantarillado de la parroquia El Chaupi-cantón Mejía
Castillo Cepeda, Alex Danilo; Soria Pugo, María Gabriela (oct-2011) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
With the design of the Sewer Master Plan of the Parish EL Chaupi, it is intended to give a definitive solution to the problems of sanitation and evacuation of rainwater in the sector. The main objective of the study is to improve the quality of life, providing the inhabitants of El Chaupi parish...
Proyecto de alcantarillado en la isla "Las casitas" Archipiélago de Jambelí, provincia de El Oro
Moreno Albán, Luis Bladimir; Miranda Patín, Oscar Efraín (ago-2010) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
One of the most relevant problems is the lack of basic services such as the Sanitary Sewer network, so the construction of this would prevent the collapse of the Septic Tanks, which would significantly reduce the contamination of groundwater, preventing the population from contracting diseases. ,...
Proyecto de alcantarillado para el barrio Miraflores sector Sur de la Parroquia Tambillo Cantón Mejía
Góngora Villafuerte, Danny Edmundo (jul-2012) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The fundamental purpose of the study and design of this project, is to provide valuable practical information, which is used in a positive way and that leads the Illustrious Municipality of Cantón Mejía, to the construction of the sewage system for the Miraflores neighborhood. Tambillo Parish. As...
Proyecto de alcantarillado sanitario para la comunidad Paniquindra, Parroquia la Esperanza, Cantón Ibarra, Provincia de Imbabura.
Castelo Toapanta, José María; Querembas Narváez, Mirian Patricia (abr-2013) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The scope of the project is to really translate a need for the community   Paniquinda to improve their quality of life, presenting an analysis of socioeconomic data,   topographic, hydrological, geological-geotechnical   obtained from field work such as laboratory and cabinet, to establish the...
Proyecto de riego de la comuna Salamalag Centro de la parroquia Cochapamba
Guzmán Erazo, Milton Efraín; Vega Cruz, Roberto Carlos (feb-2012) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
This project will be carried out to implement an irrigation system with the purpose of increase the yield of crops and agricultural production. The intention is to solve some basic problems of the population as they are; water deficit for irrigation, low technological level in agricultural...
Proyecto, elaboración de mapas de amenazas por inundaciones en las ciudades de Huaquillas y Macará, obras de prevención.
Rivera Ayala, Diego Mauricio (oct-2008) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The Ecuadorian coast has constantly suffered strong winter periods that have caused floods especially in marginal areas to cities principal, bringing with it a large amount of material losses, economic and human, that is why, this work tries to alleviate some way this situation hinders the...
Simulación hidrológica de la cuenca del río Alambi en Nanegal frente al cambio del uso del suelo y su impacto en el recurso hídrico
Sánchez Brito, Hugo Lenin (abr-2015) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The main objective of this research was to evaluate the impact caused by land use change caused by the expansion of the agricultural frontier and population growth that has occurred in recent years in the river basin Alambi. • Scenario 1: Current status of the basin (base scenario). • Scenario 2:...
Sistema de alcantarillado para el barrio La Palma, Parroquia de Puembo
Bucheli Coronel, Adrián Omar (feb-2011) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
With the design of the sewerage, and in the future its construction, it is intended to collect all the sewage and rainwater flowing down the existing slopes, which would prevent flooding in the lower parts of the project area and mainly the serious damage to the health that currently suffer the...
Sistema de alcantarillado para el sector El Chamizal de la parroquia El Quinche, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha
Calo Catota, Byron Patricio (abr-2015) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The rapid growth of rural parishes as El Quinche requires the endowment of basic services such as sanitation; that’s why, in coordination with the Public Enterprise of Water Supply and Sanitation the sewerage studies are being performed for some neighborhoods in El Chamizal sector. This project is...
Sistema integral de agua potable para las comunidades de Chulcotoro y Calquin de la parroquia de Cochapamba
Balladares Chicaiza, Adriana del Carmen; Guaman Quishpe, Boris Marco (ene-2012) - [Director: Gutiérrez Caiza, Carlos Aníbal]
The basic services available to the community of Calquín-Chulcotoro do not allow their quality of life, due to the lack of infrastructure in terms of basic drinking water and sewerage services. This is why the project developed below consists in the construction of a Drinking Water System that will...